Notes from “Affirming our Faith”, June 9, 2013

1. Paschal mystery – Christ died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again.

We experience this in our lives all the time. Jesus is a reminder of living and dying in our lives.  Jesus great symbol of Paschal mystery. “Pasca” root word means “lamb” in Greek 

Principal service is part of the Paschal mystery which we do each Sunday with the Eucharist

Morning Prayer is the Daily office which we could do at home but we do it once a month at St. Peter’s since it part of our tradition. 

2. Concepts of God 

Quote – “God  is the sea in which I swim… “ 

Many Bible images of God: 

-Wind, light, rain.

-In Psalm 23 – Good Shepard.  

-Father –

-Feminine influence –mercy, tender compassion  (womb).  Nurturing influence. 

-Circle of life – all parts drawn in relationship.   

-St. Augustine in the Cities of God – journey earthly city to heavenly city. We are pilgrims 

How to know God 


-through revelation.

-God through creation –

through Love – Love share reflective of God’s love.

-Revelation and dreams

-Healing presence in hospitals and working through those who work there

gatherings – “Two or three gathered

in Song –

-When at your best God is there

-in Little miracles. –

-We have be aware that when things don’t work, God there too..

-In covenants – God make covenant – wants  to be in relationship – Jesus is fulfillment of covenant.

-God as Trinity –

-God as multitasker 

-Through suffering – We remember the positive when we suffer. We look for the greater good down the way.  God with me as God was through Jesus suffering. Apostles indicated to take gladness in suffering. 

-Take gladness in suffering – Apostles.   It provides a balance and heightens job later.

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