From BuildFaith
“#AdventWord is a global, online Advent calendar. Each day from the first Sunday of Advent through Christmas Day, #AdventWord offers meditations and images to inspire and connect individuals and a worldwide community of believers to the themes of Advent. You are invited to participate by posting your own images using the hashtag #AdventWord and the word of the day, for example, #journey. Individuals, congregations, organizations, and institutions can all participate.”
The words for #AdventWord 2018 are inspired by the Lectionary readings for Advent Year A and selected through a process prayerful meditation on the Word. For the first time this year, one word, #Ancestor, was selected through the larger community via an online voting. The words are intended to follow the arc of the season, preparing us to #Celebrate the birth of Christ. This year’s meditations are offered in eight languages and American Sign Language.
1. Sign up for AdventWord
2. Website
2. Facebook project
The words for 2018
6 Good Reasons to Use AdventWord
- Someone else has come up with the idea! You can just share and respond with your own images.
- It is a no-cost or low-cost invitation to your congregation or community to reflect on the themes of Advent in their everyday lives.
- It forms a truly global community of prayer, in which personal, congregational, and global reflections all happen simultaneously in real time
- It connects us to the larger Church, exposing us to a multiplicity of cultures through images, which transcend language
- It invites people to share their faith online and use their digital devices as part of their spiritual practice
- AdventWord leverages technology with a “plug and play” platform—you don’t have to create the infrastructure yourself!