Gospel Parallels

Table of Gospel Parallels

Gospel Parallels

The tables of parallels here are based upon the Synopsis Quattuor Evangeliorum of Kurt Aland, 13th edition (Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1985). In the arrangement of Aland’s Synopsis the numbered pericopes are often repeated so as to give a continuous series of references in canonical order for each of the four gospels. The bold type in the tables below indicates the verses in order for each gospel. Thus for example, pericopes no. 121 and 135 are identical except for the difference in bold type. In 121 the bold type for Matthew and Mark shows that the pericope “Jesus’ True Kindred” precedes the parable of the sower. The pericope is then repeated as 135 with bold type for Luke, because Luke has the pericope after the parable of the sower. The student who is using these tables can thus run his eye down each Gospel’s column, stopping only at the bold references, to get all the references and parallels in order for each Gospel.

Note to online users: The tables are supplied with hypertext links in the first column. Click on the links to view the parallel passages together (in the American Standard Version) at the Bible Gateway website. Once there, you may choose to view the same passages together in any of the versions on the Bible Gateway server. Then use the “back” button on your browser to return to this page.

  1. Preface
  2. Birth and Childhood
  3. Preparation
  4. The Beginning of Jesus’ Public Ministry (According to John)
  5. Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee
  6. The Sermon on the Mount (According to Matthew)
  7. The Sermon on the Plain (According to Luke)
  8. Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee Continued
  9. The Way to the Cross
  10. Last Journey to Jerusalem (According to Luke)
  11. Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles (According to John)
  12. The Ministry in Judea
  13. The Final Ministry in Jerusalem
  14. The Olivet Discourse
  15. Conclusion of the Account before the Passion
  16. The Passion Narrative
  17. The Resurrection
  18. The Endings of the Gospels

§ 1. Preface

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
1 Prologue 1.1 1.1 1.1-4 1.1-18

§ 2. Birth and Childhood

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
2 The Promise of the Birth of John the Baptist     1.5-25  
3 The Annunciation     1.26-38  
4 Mary’s Visit to Elizabeth     1.39-56  
5 The Birth of John the Baptist     1.57-80  
6 The Genealogy of Jesus 1.2-17   3.23-38  
7 The Birth of Jesus 1.18-25   2.1-7  
8 The Adoration of the Infant Jesus 2.1-12   2.8-20  
9 The Circumcision and Presentation in the Temple     2.21-38  
10 The Flight into Egypt and Return 2.13-21      
11 The Childhood of Jesus at Nazareth 2.22-23   2.39-40  
12 The Boy Jesus in the Temple     2.41-52  

§ 3. Preparation

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
13 John the Baptist 3.1-6 1.2-6 3.1-6 1.19-23
14 John’s Preaching of Repentance 3.7-10   3.7-9  
15 John Replies to Questioners     3.10-14  
16 John’s Messianic Preaching 3.11-12 1.7-8 3.15-18 1.24-28
17 The Imprisonment of John 14.3-4 6.17-18 3.19-20  
18 The Baptism of Jesus 3.13-17 1.9-11 3.21-22 1.29-34
19 The Genealogy of Jesus 1.1-17   3.23-38  
20 The Temptation 4.1-11 1.12-13 4.1-13  

§ 4. The Beginning of Jesus’ Public Ministry (According to John)

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
21 The Call of the First Disciples       1.35-51
22 The Marriage at Cana       2.1-11
23 The Sojourn at Capernaum       2.12
24 The First Journey to Jerusalem       2.13
25 The Cleansing of the Temple 21.12-13 11.15-17 19.45-46 2.14-22
26 Jesus’ Ministry in Jerusalem       2.23-25
27 The Discourse with Nicodemus       3.1-21
28 Jesus’ Ministry in Judea       3.22
29 John’s Testimony to Christ       3.23-36

§ 5. Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
30 The Journey into Galilee 4.12 1.14a 4.14a 4.1-3
31 The Discourse with the Woman of Samaria       4.4-42
32 Ministry in Galilee 4.13-17 1.14b-15 4.14b-15 4.43-46a
33 Jesus’ Preaching at Nazareth 13.53-58 6.1-6a 4.16-30  
34 The Call of the Disciples 4.18-22 1.16-20    
35 Teaching in the Synagogue at Capernaum   1.21-22 4.31-32  
36 The Healing of the Demoniac in the Synagogue   1.23-28 4.33-37  
37 The Healing of Peter’s Mother-in-law 8.14-15 1.29-31 4.38-39  
38 The Sick Healed at Evening 8.16-17 1.32-34 4.40-41  
39 Jesus Departs from Capernaurn   1.35-38 4.42-43  
40 First Preaching Tour in Galilee 4.23 1.39 4.44  
41 The Miraculous Draught of Fish     5.1-11  
42 The Cleansing of the Leper 8.1-4 1.40-45 5.12-16  
43 The Healing of the Paralytic 9.1-8 2.1-12 5.17-26 5.8-9a
44 The Call of Levi (Matthew) 9.9-13 2.13-17 5.27-32  
45 The Question about Fasting 9.14-17 2.18-22 5.33-39  
46 Plucking Grain on the Sabbath 12.1-8 2.23-28 6.1-5  
47 The Man with the Withered Hand 12.9-14 3.1-6 6.6-11  
48 Jesus Heals Multitudes by the Sea 4.24-25
3.7-12 6.17-19  
49 The Choosing of the Twelve 10.1-4 3.13-19 6.12-16  

§ 6. The Sermon on the Mount (According to Matthew)

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
50 Occasion of the Sermon 4.24-5.2 3.7-13 a 6.17-20a  
51 The Beatitudes 5.3-12   6.20b-23  
52 The Salt of the Earth 5.13 9.49-50 14.34-35  
53 The Light of the World 5.14-16 4.21 8.16  
54 On the Law and the Prophets 5.17-20   16.16-17  
55 On Murder and Wrath 5.21-26   12.57-59  
56 On Adultery and Divorce 5.27-32 9.43-48 16.18  
57 On Oaths 5.33-37      
58 On Retaliation 5.38-42   6.29-30  
59 On Love of One’s Enemies 5.43-48   6.27-28
60 On Almsgiving 6.1-4      
61 On Prayer 6.5-6      
62 The Lord’s Prayer 6.7-15 11.25 11.1-4  
63 On Fasting 6.16-18      
64 On Treasures 6.19-21   12.33-34  
65 The Sound Eye 6.22-23   11.34-36  
66 On Serving Two Masters 6.24   16.13  
67 On Anxiety 6.25-34   12.22-32  
68 On Judging 7.1-5 4.24-25 6.37-42  
69 On Profaning the Holy 7.6      
70 God’s Answering of Prayer 7.7-11   11.9-13  
71 The Golden Rule 7.12   6.31  
72 The Two Ways 7.13-14   13.23-24  
73 “By their Fruits” 7.15-20
74 “Saying Lord, Lord” 7.21-23   6.46
75 The House Built upon the Rock 7.24-27   6.47-49  
76 The Effect of the Sermon 7.28-29 1.21-22    

§ 7. The Sermon on the Plain (According to Luke)

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
77 Occasion of the Sermon 4.24-5.2 3.7-13a 6.17-20a  
78 The Beatitudes 5.3-12   6.20b-23  
79 The Woes     6.24-26  
80 On Love of One’s Enemies 5.38-48   6.27-36  
81 On Judging 7.1-5 4.24-25 6.37-42  
82 “By their Fruits” 7.15-20
83 The House Built upon the Rock 7.21-27   6.46-49  

§ 8. Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee Continued

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
84 Cleansing of the Leper 8.1-4 1.40-45 5.12-16  
85 The Centurion of Capernaum 8.5-13 7.30 7.1-10
86 The Widow’s Son at Nain     7.11-17  
87 The Healing of Peter’s Mother-in-law 8.14-15 1.29-31 4.38-39  
88 The Sick Healed at Evening 8.16-17 1.32-34 4.40-41  
89 On Following Jesus 8.18-22   9.57-62  
90 Stilling the Storm 8.23-27 4.35-41 8.22-25  
91 The Gadarene Demoniacs 8.28-34 5.1-20 8.26-39  
92 The Healing of the Paralytic 9.1-8 2.1-12 5.17-26 5.8-9a
93 The Call of Levi (Matthew) 9.9-13 2.13-17 5.27-32  
94 The Question about Fasting 9.14-17 2.18-22 5.33-39  
95 Jairus’ Daughter and the Woman with a Hemorrhage 9.18-26 5.21-43 8.40-56  
96 Two Blind Men 9.27-31
10.46-52 18.35-43  
97 The Dumb Demoniac 9.32-34
3.22 11.14-15  
98 The Harvest is Great 9.35-38 6.6b
99 Commissioning the Twelve 10.1-16 6.7
100 The Fate of the Disciples 10.17-25
13.9-13 12.11-12
101 Exhortation to Fearless Confession 10.26-33   12.2-9  
102 Divisions within Households 10.34-36   12.51-53  
103 Conditions of Discipleship 10.37-39   14.25-27
104 Rewards of Discipleship 10.40-42 9.41 10.16 13.20
105 Continuation of Journey 11.1      
106 John the Baptist’s Question and Jesus’ Answer 11.2-6   7.18-23  
107 Jesus’ Witness concerning John 11.7-19   7.24-35
108 Woes Pronounced on Galilean Cities 11.20-24   10.12-15  
109 Jesus’ Thanksgiving to the Father 11.25-27   10.21-22  
110 “Come unto Me” 11.28-30      
111 Plucking Grain on the Sabbath 12.1-8 2.23-28 6.1-5  
112 Healing the Withered Hand 12.9-14 3.1-6 6.6-11  
113 Jesus Heals Multitudes by the Sea 12.15-21 3.7-12 6.17-19  
114 The Woman with the Ointment 26.6-13 14.3-9 7.36-50 12.1-8
115 The Ministering Women     8.1-3  
116 Jesus is Thought to be Beside Himself   3.20-21    
117 On Collusion with Satan 12.22-30
3.22-27 11.14-15
118 The Sin against the Holy Spirit 12.31-37
3.28-30 12.10
119 The Sign of Jonah 12.38-42
8.11-12 11.16
120 The Return of the Evil Spirit 12.43-45   11.24-26  
121 Jesus’ True Kindred 12.46-50 3.31-35 8.19-21 15.14
122 The Parable of the Sower 13.1-9 4.1-9 8.4-8  
123 The Reason for Speaking in Parables 13.10-17 4.10-12
124 Interpretation of the Parable of the Sower 13.18-23 4.13-20 8.11-15  
125 “He who has Ears to Hear, Let him Hear” 5.15
4.21-25 8.16-18  
126 The Parable of the Seed Growing Secretly   4.26-29    
127 The Parable of the Tares 13.24-30      
128 The Parable of the Mustard Seed 13.31-32 4.30-32 13.18-19  
129 The Parable of the Leaven 13.33   13.20-21  
130 Jesus’ Use of Parables 13.34-35 4.33-34    
131 Interpretation of the Parable of the Tares 13.36-43      
132 The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and of the Pearl 13.44-46      
133 The Parable of the Net 13.47-50      
134 Treasures New and Old 13.51-52      
135 Jesus’ True Kindred 12.46-50 3.31-35 8.19-21 15.14
136 Stilling the Storm 8.23-27 4.35-41 8.22-25  
137 The Gerasene Demoniac 8.28-34 5.1-20 8.26-39  
138 Jairus’ Daughter and the Woman with a Hemorrhage 9.18-26 5.21-43 8.40-56  
139 Jesus is Rejected at Nazareth 13.53-58 6.1-6a 4.16-30  
140 Second Journey (to Jerusalem)       5.1
141 The Healing at the Pool       5.2-47
142 Commissioning the Twelve 9.35
6.6b-13 9.1-6  
143 Opinions regarding Jesus 14.1-2 6.14-16 9.7-9  
144 The Death of John the Baptist 14.3-12 6.17-29 3.19-20  
145 The Return of the Apostles   6.30-31 9.10a  
146 Five Thousand are Fed 14.13-21 6.32-44 9. 10b-17 6.1-15
147 The Walking on the Water 14.22-33 6.45-52   6.16-21
148 Healings at Gennesaret 14.34-36 6.53-56   6.22-25
149 The Bread of Life       6.26-59
150 Defilement – Traditional and Real 15.1-20 7.1-23 11.37-41
151 The Syrophoenician (Canaanite) Woman 15.21-28 7.24-30    
152 Jesus Heals a Deaf Mute and Many Others 15.29-31 7.31-37    
153 Four Thousand are Fed 15.32-39 8.1-10    
154 The Pharisees Seek a Sign 16.1-4
8.11-13 11.16
155 The Leaven of the Pharisees 16.5-12 8.14-21 12.1  
156 A Blind Man is Healed at Bethsaida   8.22-26    

§ 9. The Way to the Cross

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
157 Many Disciples Take Offense at Jesus       6.60-66
158 Peter’s Confession 16.13-20 8.27-30 9.18-21 6.67-71
159 Jesus Foretells His Passion 16.21-23 8.31-33 9.22  
160 “If Any Man would Come after Me” 16.24-28 8.34-9.1 9.23-27 12.25
161 The Transfiguration 17.1-9 9.2-10 9.28-36  
162 The Coming of Elijah 17.10-13 9.11-13    
163 Jesus Heals a Boy Possessed by a Spirit 17.14-21 9.14-29 9.37-43a
164 Jesus Foretells His Passion again 17.22-23 9.30-32 9.43b-45  
165 Payment of the Temple Tax 17.24-27      
166 True Greatness 18.1-5 9.33-37 9.46-48 13.20
167 The Strange Exorcist 10.42 9.38-41 9.49-50  
168 Warnings concerning Temptations 18.6-9
9.42-50 17.1-2
169 The Parable of the Lost Sheep 18.10-14   15.3-7  
170 On Reproving One’s Brother 18.15-18   17.3 20.23
171 “Where Two or Three are Gathered Together” 18.19-20      
172 On Reconciliation 18.21-22   17.4  
173 The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant 18.23-35      

§ 10. Last Journey to Jerusalem (According to Luke)

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
174 Decision to Go to Jerusalem 19.1-2 10.1 9.51  
175 Jesus is Rejected by Samaritans     9.52-56  
176 On Following Jesus 8.18-22   9.57-62  
177 Commissioning the Seventy 9.37-38
178 Woes Pronounced on Galilaean Cities 11.20-24   10.13-15  
179 “He who Hears You, Hears Me” 10.40   10.16 13.20
180 The Return of the Seventy     10.17-20  
181 Jesus’ Thanksgiving to the Father, and the Blessedness of the Disciples 11.25-27
182 The Lawyer’s Question 22.34-40 12.28-34 10.25-28  
183 The Parable of the Good Samaritan     10.29-37  
184 Mary and Martha     10.38-42  
185 The Lord’s Prayer 6.9-13   11.1-4  
186 The Importunate Friend at Midnight     11.5-8  
187 Encouragement to Pray 7.7-11   11.9-13  
188 The Beelzebub Controversy 12.22-30 3.22-27 11.14-23  
189 The Return of the Evil Spirit 12.43-45   11.24-26  
190 True Blessedness     11.27-28  
191 The Sign of Jonah 12.38-42 8.11-12 11.29-32  
192 Concerning Light 5.15 4.21 11.33  
193 The Sound Eye 6.22-23   11.34-36  
194 Discourses against the Pharisees and Lawyers 15.1-9 7.1-9 11.37-54  
195 The Leaven of the Pharisees 16.5-6 8.14-15 12.1  
196 Exhortation to Fearless Confession 10.26-33   12.2-9  
197 The Sin against the Holy Spirit 12.31-32 3.28-30 12.10  
198 The Assistance of the Holy Spirit 10.19-20 13.11 12.11-12
199 Warning against Avarice     12.13-15  
200 The Parable of the Rich Fool     12.16-21  
201 Anxieties about Earthly Things 6.25-34   12.22-32  
202 Treasures in Heaven 6.19-21   12.33-34  
203 Watchfulness and Faithfulness 24.42-51   12.35-48  
204 Division in Households 10.34-36   12.49-53  
205 Interpreting the Times 16.2-3   12.54-56  
206 Agreement with One’s Accuser 5.25-26   12.57-59  
207 Repentance or Destruction (the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree)     13.1-9  
208 The Healing of the Crippled Woman on the Sabbath     13.10-17  
209 The Parable of the Mustard Seed 13.31-32 4.30-32 13.18-19  
210 The Parable of the Leaven 13.33   13.20-21  
211 Exclusion from the Kingdom 7.13-14
10.31 13.22-30  
212 A Warning against Herod     13.31-33  
213 The Lament over Jerusalem 23.37-39   13.34-35  
214 The Healing of the Man with Dropsy     14.1-6  
215 Teaching on Humility     14.7-14  
216 The Parable of the Great Supper 22.1-14   14.15-24  
217 The Conditions of Discipleship 10.37-38   14.25-33  
218 The Parable of Salt 5.13 9.49-50 14.34-35  
219 The Parable of the Lost Sheep 18.12-14   15.1-7  
220 The Parable of the Lost Coin     15.8-10  
221 The Parable of the Prodigal Son     15.11-32  
222 The Parable of the Unjust Steward     16.1-9  
223 On Faithfulness in What is Least     16.10-12  
224 On Serving Two Masters 6.24   16.13  
225 The Pharisees Reproved     16.14-15  
226 Concerning the Law 11.12-13
227 Concerning Divorce 19.9 10.11-12 16.18  
228 The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus     16.19-31  
229 Warning against Offenses 18.6-7 9.42 17.1-3a  
230 On Forgiveness 18.15   17.3b-4  
231 On Faith 17.19-21 9.28-29 17.5-6  
232 We are Unprofitable Servants     17.7-10  
233 The Cleansing of the Ten Lepers     17.11-19  
234 On the Coming of the Kingdom of God     17.20-21  
235 The Day of the Son of Man 24.23
17.22-37 12.25
236 The Parable of the Unjust Judge     18.1-8  
237 The Pharisee and the Publican     18.9-14  

§ 11. Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles (According to John)

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
238 Jesus Remains in Galilee       7.1-9
239 Journey to Jerusalem in Secret       7.10-13
240 Teaching in the Temple       7.14-39
241 Division among the People regarding Jesus       7.40-52
242 The Woman Caught in Adultery       7.53-8.11
243 “I am the Light of the World”       8.12-20
244 Discussion with the Jews       8.21-29
245 “The Truth will Make You Free”       8.30-36
246 Children of the Devil       8.37-47
247 “Before Abraham was, I am”       8.48-59
248 Jesus Heals the Man Born Blind       9.1-41
249 “I am the Good Shepherd”       10.1-18
250 Division among the Jews again       10.19-21

§ 12. The Ministry in Judea

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
251 Departure to Judea 19.1-2 10.1 9.51  
252 On Divorce and Celibacy 19.3-12 10.2-12 16.18  
253 Jesus Blesses the Children 19.13-15 10.13-16 18.15-17  
254 The Rich Young Man 19.16-22 10.17-22 18.18-23  
255 On Riches and the Rewards of Discipleship 19.23-30 10.23-31 18.24-30
256 The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard 20.1-16 10.31 13.30  
257 Jesus at the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem       10.22-39
258 Jesus Withdraws across the Jordan       10.40-42
259 The Raising of Lazarus       11.1-44
260 The Chief Priests and Pharisees Take Counsel against Jesus       11.45-53
261 Jesus Retires to Ephraim       11.54-57
262 The Third Prediction of the Passion 20.17-19 10.32-34 18.31-34  
263 The Sons of Zebedee; Precedence among the Disciples 20.20-28 10.35-45 22.24-27  
264 The Healing of the Blind Men (Bartimaeus) 20.29-34
10.46-52 18.35-43  
265 Zacchaeus 18.11   19.1-10  
266 The Parable of the Pounds 25.14-30 13.34 19.11-27  
267 The Anointing at Bethany 26.6-13 14.3-9 7.36-50 12.1-8
268 The Plot against Lazarus       12.9-11

§ 13. The Final Ministry in Jerusalem

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
269 The Triumphal Entry 21.1-9 11.1-10 19.28-40 12.12-19
270 Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem     19.41-44  
271 Jesus in Jerusalem (Cleansing the Temple), Return to Bethany 21.10-17 11.11
272 The Cursing of the Fig Tree 21.18-19 11.12-14    
273 The Cleansing of the Temple 21.12-13 11.15-17 19.45-46 2.13-17
274 The Chief Priests and Scribes Conspire against Jesus   11.18-19 19.47-48  
275 The Fig Tree is Withered 21.20-22
276 The Question about Authority 21.23-27 11.27-33 20.1-8  
277 The Parable of the Two Sons 21.28-32      
278 The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen 21.33-46 12.1-12 20.9-19  
279 The Parable of the Great Supper 22.1-14   14.15-24  
280 On Paying Tribute to Caesar 22.15-22 12.13-17 20.20-26  
281 The Question about the Resurrection 22.23-33 12.18-27 20.27-40  
282 The Great Commandment 22.34-40 12.28-34 10.25-28  
283 The Question about David’s Son 22.41-46 12.35-37a 20.41-44  
284 Woe to the Scribes and Pharisees 23.1-36 12.37b-40 20.45-47  
285 Jesus’ Lament over Jerusalem 23.37-39   13.34-35  
286 The Widow’s Mite   12.41-44 21.1-4  

§ 14. The Olivet Discourse

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
287 Prediction of the Destruction of the Temple 24.1-2 13.1-2 21.5-6  
288 Signs before the End 24.3-8 13.3-8 21.7-11  
289 Persecutions Foretold 24.9-14
13.9-13 21.12-19
290 The Desolating Sacrilege 24.15-22 13.14-20 21.20-24  
291 False Christs and False Prophets 24.23-28 13.21-23 17.23-24
292 The Coming of the Son of Man 24.29-31 13.24-27 21.25-28  
293 The Time of the Coming: the Parable of the Fig Tree 24.32-36 13.28-32 21.29-33  
294 Conclusion: “Take Heed, Watch!” (According to Mark) 25.13-15
13.33-37 19.12-13
295 Conclusion: “Take Heed, Watch!” (According to Luke)     21.34-36  

§ 15. Conclusion of the Account before the Passion

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
296 The Parable of the Flood and Exhortation to Watchfulness 24.37-44 13.35 17.26-36
297 The Parable of the Good Servant and the Wicked Servant 24.45-51   12.41-46  
298 The Parable of the Ten Virgins 25.1-13      
299 The Parable of the Talents 25.14-30 13.34 19.11-27  
300 The Last Judgment 25.31-46     5.29
301 The Ministry of Jesus in Jerusalem     21.37-38  
302 Greeks Seek Jesus; Discourse on His Death       12.20-36
303 The Unbelief of the People       12.37-43
304 Judgment by the Word       12.44-50

§ 16. The Passion Narrative

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
305 Jesus’ Death is Premeditated 26.1-5 14.1-2 22.1-2  
306 The Anointing in Bethany 26.6-13 14.3-9 7.36-50 12.1-8
307 The Betrayal by Judas 26.14-16 14.10-11 22.3-6  
308 Preparation for the Passover 26.17-20 14.12-17 22.7-14  
309 Washing the Disciples’ Feet 10.24
  6.40 13.1-20
310 Jesus Foretells His Betrayal 26.21-25 14.18-21 22.21-23 13.21-30
311 The Last Supper 26.26-29 14.22-25 22.15-20  
312 Jesus Foretells His Betrayal 26.21-25 14.18-21 22.21-23 13.21-30
313 Precedence among the Disciples and the Reward of Discipleship 20.24-28
10.41-45 22.24-30  
314 The New Commandment of Love       13.31-35
315 Peter’s Denial Predicted 26.30-35 14.26-31 22.31-34 13.36-38
316 The Two Swords     22.35-38  
317 “Let Not Your Hearts be Troubled”       14.1-14
318 The Promise of the Paraclete       14.15-26
319 The Gift of Peace       14.27-31
320 Jesus the True Vine       15.1-8
321 “Abide in My Love”       15.9-17
322 The World’s Hatred       15.18-25
323 The Witness of the Paraclete       15.26-27
324 On Persecutions       16.1-4
325 The Work of the Paraclete       16.5-15
326 Sorrow Turned to Joy       16.16-22
327 Prayer in the Name of Jesus       16.23-28
328 Prediction of the Disciples’ Flight       16.29-33
329 The Intercessory Prayer       17.1-26
330 Gethsemane 26.36-46 14.32-42 22.39-46 18.1
331 Jesus Arrested 26.47-56 14.43-52 22.47-53 18.2-12
332 Jesus before the Sanhedrin (Peter’s Denial) 26.57-68 14.53-65 22.54-71 18.13-24
333 Peter’s Denial 26.69-75 14.66-72 22.56-62 18.25-27
334 Jesus Delivered to Pilate 27.1-2 15.1 23.1 18.28
335 The Death of Judas 27.3-10      
336 The Trial before Pilate 27.11-14 15.2-5 23.2-5 18.29-38
337 Jesus before Herod     23.6-12  
338 Pilate Declares Jesus Innocent     23.13-16  
339 Jesus or Barabbas? 27.15-23 15.6-14 23.17-23 18.39-40
340 “Behold the Man!” 27.28-31a 15.17-20a   19.1-15
341 Pilate Delivers Jesus to be Crucified 27.24-26 15.15 23.24-25 19.16
342 Jesus Mocked by the Soldiers 27.27-31a 15.16-20a   19.2-3
343 The Road to Golgotha 27.31b-32 15.20b-21 23.26-32 19.17
344 The Crucifixion 27.33-37 15.22-26 23.33-34 19.17b-27
345 Jesus Derided on the Cross 27.38-43 15.27-32a 23.35-38  
346 The Two Thieves 27.44 15.32b 23.39-43  
347 The Death of Jesus 27.45-54 15.33-39 23.44-48 19.28-30
348 Witnesses of the Crucifixion 27.55-56 15.40-41 23.49 19.25-27
349 Jesus’ Side Pierced       19.31-37
350 The Burial of Jesus 27.57-61 15.42-47 23.50-56 19.38-42
351 The Guard at the Tomb 27.62-66      

§ 17. The Resurrection

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
352 The Women at the Tomb 28.1-8 16.1-8 24.1-12 20.1-13
353 Jesus Appears to the Women 28.9-10 16.9-11 24.10-11 20.14-18
354 The Report of the Guard 28.11-15      
355 Jesus Appears to Two on the Way to Emmaus   16.12-13 24.13-35  
356 Jesus Appears to His Disciples (Thomas being Absent)     24.36-43 20.19-23
357 Jesus Appears to His Disciples (Thomas being Present)       20.24-29
358 Jesus Appears to the Eleven While They Sit at Table   16.14-18    
359 Jesus Appears to the Eleven on a Mountain in Galilee 28.16-20      
360 Jesus Appears to His Disciples by the Sea of Tiberias       21.1-14
361 Paul’s Account of the Appearances of Jesus   1 Cor. 15.3-8    

§ 18. The Endings of the Gospels

No. Pericope Matthew Mark Luke John
362 The Shorter Ending of Mark   see note below    
363 The Longer Ending of Mark   16.9-20    
364 The Ending of Matthew: The Great Commission 28.16-20      
365 The Ending of Luke: Jesus’ Last Words and Ascension   16.15,19 24.44-53  
366 The Ending of John       20.30-31
367 The Appendix to John: Jesus at the Sea of Tiberias.       21.1-25

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