Catherine will be on sabbatical from Sunday, July 15 through Monday, August 20th. She will return to St Peter’s on Wednesday, August 22nd.
So, who’s in charge when the Rector is gone? Actually, the One who is always in charge, GOD, with the help of
-the Senior Warden, Helmut Linne von Berg, 804-742-5233 (home); 804-419-0760 (cell),
-and the Junior Warden, Johnny Davis, 804-241-4076.
In the Rector’s absence, the Senior Warden is the person who will oversee the day to day operations of the church. St Peter’s will be in the capable hands of Helmut Linne von Berg, the current Senior Warden.
Pastoral issues—If you need to talk with a priest, please let Helmut know. He, in turn, will contact The Rev. Bambi Willis who has agreed to be on call during Catherine’s absence.
St Peter’s Website—Ben will update the website with pictures that people submit to him and any write-ups of what happens on the Sundays while we’re away.
Sunday Morning Worship—
Senior Warden should double check with everyone on the server list before each Sunday to make sure that everyone will be able to carry out the assigned duties. If someone cannot be present at the last minute, the Senior Warden will find a replacement for that person. The server lists for both July and August have been sent out.
Junior Warden, Johnny Davis–Opening, turning on the lights, and adjusting the thermostat in the church and in the parish house as needed as well as turning off lights, adjusting thermostats and locking up afterward.
Bulletins—Barbara and Boyd Wisdom. Barbara has received bulletins for each of the six weeks. She will be adding the music to each bulletin, which Brad Volland will send to her, and adjusting the announcements and the prayer list as needed. Thirty-five bulletins should be prepared for each service, and completed by 10AM, so that the choir members have bulletins for use during their choir rehearsal.
One of the choir members please put the hymn numbers up on the hymn board each Sunday.
Server schedules have already been prepared and sent out. If any changes need to be made, please let the Senior Warden know.
Altar Guild—July, Betty Kunstmann
August–Nancy Long
Bread—BJ Anderson has the schedule of worship services, and will supply bread for July 15, 22nd, and August 5, as well as the 26th, when Catherine returns.
Coffee Hour Potluck on Sunday, Augut 5th—Cookie Davis will oversee this time of fellowship.
Wednesday Bible Study—Will continue through the summer. The group can decide who will lead each week.
Food distributions, Wednesday, July 18 and Wednesday, August 15th—Andrea Pogue will be in charge of getting people to sign in and then will send Ben the number of people served for each of the distributions. Cookie and Johnny will pick up the food, and send Ben the usual information about pounds bought.
The Vestry will not meet in August.
Contact information
The Rev. Bambi Willis, Pastoral Care, cell 804-363-8544, home 804-741-2644, email is
The Rev. Tom Hayes email, phone
Brad Volland—540-699-4412