If you can’t serve on the day listed, switch with someone and let Catherine know (stpetersrev@gmail.com)
Sunday Dec. 4, Advent 2, Rite II
Lector: Eunice Key
Eucharistic Minister: Betty Kunstmann
Acolyte: Elizabeth Heimbach
Gospel Bearer and Candle Lighter: Zeke Fisher
Greeters/Ushers: Cookie and Johnny Davis
Bread /Wine: Ken and Andrea Pogue
Sunday Dec. 11, Advent 3, Rite II
Lector: Helmut Linne von Berg
Eucharistic Minister: Helmut Linne von Berg
Acolyte: Eunice Key
Gospel Bearer and Candle Lighter: Sydney Davis
Greeters/Ushers: Marsha and Rob Dobson
Bread /Wine: Susan Tilt and Ben Hicks
Sunday Dec. 18, Advent 4, Christmas Play
Greeters/Ushers: Ken and Andrea Pogue
Sunday Dec. 24, Christmas Eve
Lector: Alex Long IV
Eucharistic Minister: Marilyn Newman
Acolyte: Charles McGuire
Gospel Bearer: Kimberly Fisher
Greeters/Ushers: Susan Tilt, Eunice Key
Bread /Wine: Johnny Davis and Bill Wick
Sunday Dec. 25, Christmas Day
Lector: Bill Wick
Eucharistic Minister: Bill Wick
Acolyte: None assigned
Gospel Bearer and Candle Lighter: None assigned
Greeters/Ushers: Ken and Andrea Pogue