Advent 4, 2016

Advent 4

The Advent mystery is the beginning of the end of all in us that is not yet Christ. – Thomas Merton


Explore Advent, Part 4 – Over the Sundays in Advent there will be a presentation each week focusing on that week’s scriptures, art and commentary and how they demonstrate the themes of advent. Let’s continue with Advent 4.

Feast of the Annunciation –  9 months before we celebrate the nativity there is the related Feast of the Annunciation on March 25 which is described here .

Art of the Annunciation – The Annunication has been depicted in art for a thousand years. Here are 30+ images of that history .

Blessed Like Mary- David Lose invites us to understand that we are Blessed Like Mary .


National Geographic explores"How the Virgin Mary Became the World’s Most Powerful Woman"

A Digital Nativity.


What if current social media like Facebook, Gmail, etc had been available at the birth of Christ ? Watch the Digital Nativity

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