Food Facts in our Area
2010 figures
- The Fredericksburg Food Bank and its agencies serve more than 17,000 individuals that are at-risk of hunger – half of those are senior citizens and children
- More than 40 in 100 client households are experiencing very low food security—or hunger—a 33 percent increase in the number of households compared to four years ago. It’s not just the homeless but the working poor. 48% of households include at least one employed adult.
- An estimated 3,000 people receive emergency food assistance each week from a food pantry, soup kitchen, or other agency served by the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank
- 53% of clients report having to choose between paying for food and paying for utilities or heating fuel.
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Resources in Caroline County
1. Mobile Pantry in Port Royal
Mobile Pantry Port Royal Site
419 King St
Port Royal, VA 22553
(540) 371-7666 ext 134
Mobile Pantry Hours:
12:30 PM on the
1st Wednesday of Each Month
The Fredericksburg Area Food Banks Mobile Pantry Program has 10 stops throughout the counties.
Each stop is a once a month service
Individuals receiving assistance through the Mobile Pantry will be required to fill out & sign a Release of Information (ROI) Form.
The Mobile Pantry will run on schedule every month unless the assigned day is a holiday or the weather prevents the Mobile Pantry truck from leaving the building.
3 Caroline Social Service
A. SNAP (Virginia Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program). This federal program supplements the food budgets of low-income households to help assure needy persons a nutritionally adequate diet. Eligibility is determined by financial need, income resources and non-financial criteria such as number in household, student status, and work registration.
B. Caroline Department of Social Services Food Bank