Sunday, August 11, 2013 (full size gallery)
This Sunday featyred plenty of events – Shrine Mont Sunday, Prayers over a pregnancy, singing the Psalm, Becky describing the upcoming VBS and Susan O. at the keyboard filling in for Brad on his vacation. We had most of the members of the Long and Wisdom families with us which contributed to an attendance of 45. The day started out with a gentle rain and cleared by service time
Becky reminded the congregation about childrens events during next weeks’s Vacation Bible School. She described activities for all ages. We pulled three pictuers in the slide show from the 1996’s event which included Laura and Alex Long.
Shrine Mont Sunday involved both the Fisher and Long famliles. The Fishers described their experiences in St. George’s camp. Kimberly mentioned three extended opportunities – rowing on the Shenandoah, hiking in the mountains or participating in an activity at the camp which is what Kimberly chose. Tucker said they had two baptisms and celebrated Christmas since the Shepherds may have in the fields with their flock during summer. Then there was Squdoosh, a snake like creature which lived under the boy’s bathroom. They brought a picture to share with the congregation.
This past week was the Feast of the Transfiguration (Aug 6). Bishop Goff was at Shrine Mont this week. Here are her reflections.
On August 10 was the ECM dinner at Johnny’s pavilion where the whole church was invited. There were over 30 at the dinner with Boyd and Dave as the leading "crabbers." Besides the crabs there were hot dogs, hamburgers, beans and vegetables.
Alex Long V who will return to California this week brought a number of Shrine Mont t shirts and thanked the contregations for cards and letters while in Afghanistan. He also fondly remembered his years at Shrine Mont. Laura Long was visiting from California and mentioned she may have a movie broadcast shortly on Net Flix. Most of the family was present except for Justin.
The Wisdom family celebrated their anniversary and Boyd’s birthday.
The sermon was about wonderment and mystery and a tie in to the blessing. The sermon referenced Genesis 15:1-6 where God shows Abraham the stars and promised him heirs. "He could see God’s creativity and majesty written in starlight across the heavens. He could see into the beginning of time, into the majestic nature of God, into the heart of God’s vast and endless creativity. The stars became God’s sign of promise and creativity in Abraham’s life. And as Abraham gazed at these stars, God filled him with hope." Stars have provided not only hope but guidance, leading the way to constant seamen, to the wiseman, to slaves, to the astronauts.
The key word is "righteous". "And we are righteous toward God when we have faith and hope in God, actively seeking the relationship with God that God has promised to us as God’s children." As in the words in Hebrews, we have faith that God has a plan for us, too if we have faith – "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
As Working preacher said this week "This response of trust in God makes “visible” — through the lives of the assembly of believers — what otherwise would remain “invisible.” In other words, one who trusts God’s promises is God’s own witness to the new creation that is breaking into our “everyday” visible world through the gospel of Christ Jesus."
"Hebrews nicely supplements the Genesis text in that Sarah is given equal billing in it with Abraham, even pointing out that Sarah “received power to conceive,” an unusual expression for the ancients since the dominant notion of the woman’s role in the production of offspring was completely passive"
Luke expounds on the promises of Genesis and the faith of Hebrews. Luke teaches us about the real treasures here and in the future and how to get to them. Our faith is given to us as a treasure for heaven – but we don’t always cherish it as one. We know that our lives – our gifts – our families are all treasures – but, again, we don’t always give them the respect and love they deserve.
We have to distringuish between treasures today and in the future. Part of this is to eliminate distractions. God wants to give you the kingdom where he lives, with pleasure. So you can get rid of possessions and give alms to the poor because your investment is in the kingdom of the heavens.
So what do we have to do before Jesus returns ?
Bill Long in 2007 comes with the key focus of the Luke passage . There are three ever-more-difficult commands that Jesus gives his disciples.
(1) Banish Fear (v.32); Fear erodes our creativity, occupies our mental space, distracts us from enjoying the true beauties all around us, and ultimately shortchanges us . Eliminate this by finding what truely motivates you an do that.
(2) Sell Goods (33-34). Your heart will be reflected in your treasure you keep. Keep what is necessary
(3) Be Alert (v35-40). We need to do all we can to establish and maintain a focus in life. Did you make time for all the good things God wanted you to experience?
"Hitch your wagon to a star". Find the promise, aspire to do the greatest thing.