Server List, August, 2012


Server Schedule, August  2012   (Please note that Morning Prayer will be on the last two Sundays of this month and there will be no 9AM Holy Eucharist on the last Sunday of August.

Worship, 11AM 

If you cannot serve on the assigned date, please switch with someone and let Catherine (540) 898-1586 know. 

Everyone has been assigned alphabetically in a continuation from the previous month.   Deviations reflect the switches that those with conflicts have made.  Element bearers are slightly out of order in order to avoid conflicts with the rest of the server schedule.  If you have a question, please call Catherine. 

Acolyte and Reader substitute, Justin Long  (540)  907-5740

Altar Guild for August—Crystal Pannell and Mary Ann Betchy 

Sunday, August  5, 2012 (The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost)

Lector   Wick, Bill  (804) 742-1218

Eucharistic Minister   Newman, Marilyn (804) 742-5091

Acolyte  Carter, Cheyenne (804) 296-5900

Gospel Bearer   Fisher, Tucker (804) 445-8299

Greeters/Ushers   Beck, David (804) 742-5056, Cookie Davis (804) 742-5654

Elements  Muhly, Millie  (804) 742-5011  Hicks, Ben (540) 898-1586

Eucharistic Visitor:  Fisher, Christopher (804) 445-8299 

Sunday, August  12, 2012 (The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost)

Lector   Beck, Linda   (804) 742-5056

Eucharistic Minister   Newman, Michael (804) 742-5091

Acolyte  Carter,Tierra  (804) 296-5900

Gospel Bearer  Fisher,Kimberly (804) 445-8299

Greeters/Ushers   Linne von Berg, Susan (804) 742-5233; Pannell, Fred (804) 742-5302

Elements  Kunstmann, Clarence and Betty (804) 742-5001

Sunday, August 19, 2012 (The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost)  Catherine will be on vacation

Morning Prayer

Lector  Davis, Cookie (804) 742-5654

Officiant Davis, Johnny  (804) 742-5654 

Preacher  Heimbach, Elizabeth  (804) 742-5543

Acolyte  Fisher, Kimberly (804) 445-8299

Greeters/Ushers Wisdom, Barbara (804) 742-5224; Beck, David (804) 742-5056

Sunday, August 26 (The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost)  Catherine will be with Mission Trip group in Staten Island, NY—Please note, no 9AM Holy Eucharist in August 

Morning Prayer  11AM 

Lector  Linne von Berg, Helmut (804) 742-5233

Acolyte  Long, Justin (540) 907-5740

Officiant and Preacher—Alex Long (804) 742-5612

Greeters/Ushers  Jim and BJ Anderson

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