We had a good crowd today – 43 for Trinity Sunday and coffee hour. The day was sunny, with low humidity and a gentle breeze blowing. The day lilies were out this week Bulletin is here and the readings.
Trinity Sunday is both a celebration and conclusion. It is a conclusion to the half of the year encompassing Advent, God’s coming in Jesus, the death and resurrection at Easter and just last Sunday the coming of the Holy Spirit. We celebrate that unity today -the fullness of God’s being and presence. Each part with its own role and purpose, distinct but united in will and essence. We next move to Ordinary Time the manifestation of Jesus’ teachings, manifestation in the world which includes the other two.
The wonder of it all as the sermon says – "A God in control of creation—a God of vast power and might.
Catherine welcomed three friends from St. George’s on Trinity Sunday.
Marion Rambo served on her Discernment Committee for the priesthood before she went to seminary
Wendy Gayle also served on her Discernment Committee for the priesthood. Wendy’s husband Allen served on the Committee on Priests which later examined her for the priesthood.
Coffee hour was prepared by Terri and Phyllis Sue and consisted of ham sandwiches, beans, carrots, cheese, cakes and watermellon