We had 29 people at the Good Friday service on a beautiful cloudless day that was in contrast to the themes of the day. A photogallery is here. The bulletin is here.
Good Friday resumes the story from the Gethesemane to the trial, crucifixion and death of Christ on Golgotha. The story is relayed in an extended readings from John, ending with Joseph of Arimethea taking away the body.
The Church altar has been stripped from Maundy Thursday, recognizing that Jesus had been deserted from his followers . The Good Friday service begins in silence and proceeds in darkness with candlelight recognizing the gravity of the day. The Cross outside has the words INRI and was made by Helmut. The acronym INRI represents the Latin inscription which in English reads as "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews" and John 19:20 states that this was written in three languages. We sing "O Sacred Head Now Wounded."
The cross is brought in during the service and roses, messages, candles are laid at the base by parishioners. Marilyn’s harp provided a meditative feel with "The Old Rugged Cross." With Tennebrae it is the most solemn service of the Church year.
The sermon reflected on nature the cross. "God calls out to those of us who have put the crown of thorns on Jesus’ head, those of us who have driven the stakes into his hands and feet—those of us who have nailed our neighbor to the cross–God calls each of us into the center of God’s suffering and forgiving heart…God is calling all of us, through the redemptive, saving death of Jesus, to meet God and to meet one another right in the center, right in the center of the cross, right in the center of God’s broken infinitely wide open, redemptive, and merciful heart. "
The service ended in silence. Fittingly, there was a shrouded full moon awaiting us outside.