We had 31 at St. Peter’s for a traditional Maundy Thursday service. It is the beginning of the three days surrounding Easter Sunday. "Maunday" means commandment. The bulletin has these words – Dennis Michno explains that this service “initiates a time of watching, waiting and contemplating, as we enter into the commemoration of the mystery of our redemption. The gift of love in the Sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood is the focus; the demonstration of self-giving in the washing of feet is a fitting symbol; the watch through the night and the continuations of this liturgy in that of Good Friday is the timelessness of silence, the silence of God.” A photogallery can be found here.
The four readings demonstrate that Maundy Thursday is a combination of many traditions – the the Seder supper of Lamb from Passover, the Last Supper and first Eucharist and the events of Gethsemane with the arrest foretold in the stripping of the altar as well as the betryal of Judas. Catherine focused on the events of Last Supper and the role of Judas in her sermon "Leaving the Porch Light On" and so we did not have footwashing.
The Choir augmented with Tom Guthrie did a magnificent job on "Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring." Marilyn provided a meditative opening on "Cyndee’s Farewell." Helmut accompanied most of the hymins on his violin.