Monday, June 19, 2017, VBS Day 1 (full size gallery)
We had over 17 children under Becky’s leadership with Catherine providing the music. This year it is all about Harry Potter and his magical world.
Children were introduced to Harry Potter stories with clips on the TV. They heard a Bible story. They received some owl mail, an invitation that would direct them to Hogwarts School.
Music was also included with Catherine teaching "Seek ye first". They shopped in Diagon alley where they received little books, invisible ink pens, chocolate frogs and jelly beans. Finally they ran through station 9 3/4 to get on the train to get to Hogwarts.
Cookie provided lunch – pizza and fruit to the hungry students. The older children came along for support to help make this a good start to VBS. Thanks to Chris and Salli who were invaluable helpers. The children still had time to play in St. Peter’s favorite climbing tree.