It was water day on the last day of Vacation Bible School!
The day began in the church, where the children learned today’s Bible verse, which was "You are the light of the world." They got to touch a light ball, and we learned a new song, "This little light of mine."
Everyone went outside and gathered something from nature to use in making sunprints. We put the leaves and other treasures on the paper and laid the paper in the sun. Almost immediately, lovely patterns appeared on the paper as the sun did its work.
We finished filling the jars with beans and made labels with the instructions for making the soup. This is for the Village Harvest food distribution next week.
The snack today, provided by Betty, Odessa and Becky, was a cup of watermelon and grapes, a cheesestick and then snow cones. Elizabeth and Nancy Long and Judy Fox ground up all the ice for the snow cones.
Everyone enjoyed the water games, which included a relay in which the children cooperated in order to fill a bucket, and then they helped one another fill the pool. They played water hose limbo and enjoyed getting soaking wet.
Many thanks to all of the parents who brought their kids all week to St Peter’s for VBS, (Dave Duke, Odessa Davis, Elizabeth Long and Judy Fox) and thank you to Becky and Catherine who planned the program and activities. Thanks to all who helped, including Judy Fox, Tucker Fisher, Nancy Long, Elizabeth Long, Odessa Davis, Eunice Key, Chris Fisher, and Betty Kunstmann. And thanks to all who contributed beans and jars for our rainbow bean soup project.
Vacation Bible School, July 9, 2015 (full size gallery)