United Thank Offering Spring Ingathering Began April 12
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Thought for your UTO Blue Box:
Give thanks this day for your own health. Drop a coin in your Blue Box as you give thanks and pray for the continued health and improved health of those you love.
Give thanks this day for friendship with others. Drop a coin in your Blue Box as you give thanks and pray for your friendship with others.
Give thanks this day for the UTO’s work with mission by contributing to their work. Check out the following grants that have been supported by the UTO.
The United Thank Offering motto is “Our Change Changes Lives.” Your offerings fund grants in the US and throughout the world.
On October 27, the 2014 special anniversary grants were announced . Part of the celebration of the 125th Anniversary of the United Thank Offering, these one-time special anniversary grants will be used for a project in each province that will reflect the fourth Anglican Mark of Mission: To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind to pursue peace and reconciliation.
The Gospel of Love – of Joy, Hope and Grace – proclaimed by Jesus Christ is the focus for the United Thank Offering Grants during the 2014 -2015 period. St. Peter’s grant request for remodeling our kitchen has been sent from the Diocese to the National Church for consideration.
Some examples of winning grants announced:
- To call a missionary and launch new programs which will equip the Church to respond more effectively to the ongoing crisis at the United States’ southern border, which involves child migrants from Central American countries.
- To rehabilitate a bus which will be used as a roving bicycle shop and purchase the needed tools for the shop. The bicycle programs on the reservation will allow youth between 12 and 18 to have an opportunity to earn bikes after participating in 15 hours of programming and youth with broken bikes will be able to help in fixing their bikes “for free.
- To provide a commercially equipped kitchen for Grace House on the Mountain located in the Appalachian region of Southwestern Virginia.
- To hire a bi-lingual priest with cultural facilities and community building skills to be the key leader in the creating of a strong community of faith outside the walls of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Greensboro.
- To purchase a late model, low mileage, 4-wheel drive pickup truck to help in the delivery of goods such as food, clothing and blankets throughout the expanse of the Borderland area of New Mexico, Texas and Mexico
- To support a professional individual who will provide programs for those who have addictions to alcohol and drugs.