Tools for the Sudan – the Refugees

 As of Jan., 2013

There are number of youtube videos that depict the crisis. 

Here is one :

1. Abeyei – 100,000 fled south

2. From Khartoum in the north .

South Sudan’s embassy says that, at last count, there were 171,000 South Sudanese still in the Khartoum area after an April deadline for them to formalise their status or leave the count Sudan and South Sudan have not come up with a detailed plan for returning the South Sudanese, and disagreements have stalled implementation of key deals signed in September on security and economic issues.

Millions of Southerners fled to the north during a 22-year civil war which ended in a 2005 peace deal that paved the way for South Sudan’s independence following a referendum.

An airlift from Khartoum of sick, elderly and other "extremely vulnerable" South Sudanese, suspended after a November plane crash, re-started on Christmas Eve Monday, the International Organisation for Migration said.

3. Upper Nile – Maban County, in Upper Nile State, has a local population of approximately 110,000 people. However, since fighting broke out in the neighbouring Sudanese state of Blue Nile, refugees began making their way by foot, at times walking for up to one month before reaching safety, to Maban County.

The scale at which this has taken place this year has resulted in the creation of four refugee camps in the county, with a current total population of 112,020. The humanitarian community has devoted phenomenal resources and efforts to provide life-saving assistance to these refugees. IOM has been particularly active to make sure adequate water supply, sanitation facilities and hygiene promotion activities are in place at Doro

4. Heglig Humanitarian organizations are responding to a new surge of 7,000 refugees from Southern Kordofan into Unity State, South Sudan. Malnutrition, water shortages, and disease outbreaks continue to affect refugee and host communities in South Sudan

5. Internal fighting – Between late October and November 25, renewed fighting in Pibor County, Jonglei State, between the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and armed non-state actors displaced up to 10,000 people in areas surrounding Pibor town and resulted in increased insecurity throughout Jonglei, OCHA reports.

The conflict in Jonglei State displaced nearly 202,000 people between January 2011 and September 2012

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