August, 2018 Server list

If you can’t serve on the day listed, switch with someone and let Catherine know. (  Catherine will be away Sunday August 5th through Sunday, August 19th

Altar Guild:  Nancy Long

Coffee Hour Potluck  Person in Charge:  TBA  (Includes making sure food is laid out, silverware and plates available, cleanup afterward)

Sunday, August 5, The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, Holy Eucharist, Rite II 11AM

Lector:  Andrea Pogue

Eucharistic Minister:  Helmut Linne von Berg

Acolyte:  Eunice Key

Greeters/Ushers:  Jim and BJ Anderson

Bread/Wine:  Ken and Andrea Pogue

Preacher and Celebrant:  The Rev. Tom Hayes

Sunday, August 12, The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, Morning Prayer, Rite II 11AM

Officiant:  Cookie Davis

Lector:  Jennifer Collins

Ushers/Greeters:  Ken and Andrea Pogue

Preacher:  Jackie Collins

Sunday, August 19th, The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Morning Prayer, Rite II, 11AM

Officiant:  Elizabeth Heimbach

Lector:  Johnny Davis

Ushers:  Johnny and Cookie Davis

Preacher:  Helmut Linne von Berg

Sunday, August 26  The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, Holy Eucharist, Rite I, 9AM

Lector:  Alex Long IV


Holy Eucharist, 11AM 

Lector:  Samantha Pugh

Eucharistic Minister:  Bill Wick

Acolyte:  Charles McGuire

Greeters/Ushers:  Eunice Key, Andrea Pogue

Bread and Wine:  Jim and BJ Anderson