If you can’t serve on the day listed, switch with someone and let Catherine know (stpetersrev@gmail.com)
Sunday, May 6, 6th Sunday in Easter. Shrine Mont, Rogation Sunday Morning Prayer, 11AM
Officiant: Cookie Davis
Lector: Susan Tilt
Preacher: Nancy Long
Greeters/Ushers Jim and BJ Anderson
Thursday, May 10 Ascension Day, 7PM
Lector: TBA
Eucharistic Minister: TBA
Acolyte: TBA
Greeters/Ushers: Cookie, Johnny Davis
Bread and wine: TBA
Sunday, May 13, 7th Sunday in Easter 11AM
Lector: Andrea Pogue
Eucharistic Minister: Bill Wick
Acolyte: Charles McGuire
Greeters/Ushers: Eunice Key and Andrea Pogue
Bread and Wine: Betty and Clarence Kunstmann
Sunday, May 20, Pentecost 11AM
Lector: Samantha Pugh
Eucharistic Minister: Laura Carey
Acolyte: Kimberly Fisher
Greeters/Ushers: Susan Tilt and Ken Pogue
Bread and Wine: Bill Wick and Barbara Wisdom
Sunday, May 27, Trinity, 9AM
Lector: Alex Long IV
Sunday, May 27, Trinity, 11AM
Lector: Susan Tilt
Eucharistic Minister: Cookie Davis
Acolyte: Tucker Fisher
Greeters/Ushers: Barbara Wisdom, Johnny Davis
Bread and Wine: Dave Fannon and Eunice Key