Fifth Sunday After Pentecost, Year C

These are notes only from Bishop Shannon’s sermon who visited St. Peter’s, June 23, 2013. The sermon has been requested from the Bishop and will replace these notes.

The Bishop’s sermon was on the Epistle- Galatians 3:23-29 which he said was one of his most favorite passages from Paul. He said the people look at the Bible as a means to be set free or as a code of regulation. He is in the former camp as Paul said "But now that faith has come, we are no longer subject to a disciplinarian, for in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith." We are set free to become children of God. God wants to be known, to be in relationship. This passage is one of discipleship as a means to grow in God’s grace. Before faith came we were imprisoned.

The sermon covered 6 parts of our disciples life:

1. Worship -practiced in relationship to the Holy Baptism and communion. We need to be here every Sunday. We are energized by scripture as children of God and how we bring it to life. Christian faith is not private or individual but is practiced in community. It is always personal but never individual.

2. Daily prayers. He stressed the "daily". It is 90% listening rather than telling God what we want God to know or asking God to do what we want. It puts you in position to receive what God will have for you in your life and to build your relationship to God

3. Stewardship – Time, Talent and Treasury. This is a personal response and represents our growth over time. Where your heart is, so will be your treasure We are often not comfortable with this subject. Giving must be in done in relationship of self-denial. When we put God first, it shows God’s purpose in our lives. We give to help Churches and charities to do God’s ministry in the world. Jesus taught more about wealth than any other topic. Giving is a source of Christian joy and fulfillment.

4. Christian Education – The means of how we make the life of faith and knowledge known. It is the moving of the Holy Spirit. It is not just for Children and it doesn’t just show how much we know but it is part of our spiritual formation. We grow in it and participate in its transfer to others.

5. Evangelism – This is a difficult action since we are often shy – we think we cannot do it. He said to "be yourself" We are all evangelists. We have a unique story in faith that should be told as part of our fulfillment, peace and joy and to bring others to Christ. Faith should be a normal part of conversation as is movies, sports and books. 

6. Outreach. To bring Christ to those who are not part of our Church. Best way to imitate Christ is to serve the needs of the world from the sick, lonely and those in despair. Doing Outreach is how we participate as the body of Christ.  It is the way to be set free and grow in the grace of Jesus Christ. 

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