The Season of Creation, Year A, Week 4 Prayer of Confession
Lord Jesus Christ, we ask your forgiveness.
Our lives are so busy.
We forget that you are beside us.
We worry and we are anxious.
We forget to create the silent spaces that would allow you to speak with us and enlighten us.
We lack sufficient trust in your love and depend only on ourselves.
We forget to rest.
Forgive us for our haste, our noise, and our reluctance to listen.
Forgive us for our worries, and our anxieties.
Forgive us for our lack of trust in you, and our refusal to rest.
Enfold our fears, unclothe our pride, unweave our thoughts, uncomplicate our hearts.
May we cease to be enslaved by our labors.
May we dwell always in sabbath rest.
Daily Prayer for All Seasons, New York: Church Publishing, 2014
Janet Morley, All Desires Known, Harrisburg: Morehouse, 1992, pg 85.