School supplies requested by Caroline County Department of Social Services
If you would like to donate school supplies to the Department of Social Services for those children in need of supplies for the coming school year, please bring your donation to church and Fred Pannell will get the supplies to Social Services for distribution. For more information, go to the Caroline County School website. (There is actually –a supply list for each school )
The following items are particularly needed:
- #2 Pencils
- Glue sticks
- Wide ruled loose leaf three hole paper (notebook paper)
- Index cards (both sizes needed)
- Dividers
- Composition books
- Pocket folders
Other items that appear on supply lists include the following: :
- Boxes of tissues
- Dry erase markers
- Boxes of crayons
- One inch 3 ring binders
- 3-5 Subject spiral bound notebooks
- Scissors
- Pens
- Ziploc bags (Gallon size and sandwich size—preferably sliding
- Disinfectant wipes
- Hand sanitizer