Episcopal Church Men’s Annual Report for the 2013 St. Peter’s Congregational Meeting
· The transportation committee initiated to provide rides for individuals needing to get to doctor’s appointments, hospitals, or other meetings in which no other transportation was available. Several members participated by furnishing transportation throughout the year;
· At the request of the Junior Warden, the group spent several hours cleaning raking and cleaning the churchyard of leaves and other debris in November for the upcoming special services;
· In March, the ECM held the Annual Women’s Night Out to raise money for the Vestry to use as needed. The men cooked the food which was delicious and Barbara Wisdom and Cindy Fields conducted a Newly Wed game with five couples participating. The answers they provided were hilarious and everyone had a terrific time and monet we raised was nice, too;
· In June, the group had a One Year Anniversary with a steak dinner celebration at the Reynolds Pavilion. David Beck brought sensational steaks, which the rest of the group furnished all the trimmings, beer, and wine. It was a lot of fun and an energizer for the group;
· For the second year, the group took up a collection and sponsored a needy family for Christmas. Caroline County Social Services was contacted and identified a family in the Port Royal area. Cars and games were purchased for the five year old boy, two tricycles and dolls were purchased for the twin girls, and clothes for all three children were included with the other presents. Additionally, lots of food was also purchased for the entire family.
Looking ahead to 2013, the ECM will support the church and congregation by the following activities:
· Continuing the transportation program;
· Sponsor both a Spring and Fall clean-up, plus any other request by the Vestry for special projects;
· Hold the Women’s Night Out in March, date to be announced. All church men begin to think about what dish you will prepare for the occasion;
· Hold an Anniversary Celebration in June, just exactly what hasn’t been determined; and
· For the Christmas Season, again sponsor a family and provide a super Christmas where there might not be one without our church support.;
· Continue our Monthly meetings were praying and working together throughout the year will make us better Christians and closer to God’s will.