JUNE 2010
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, then new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
2 Corinthians 5: 17 – 19, NIV.
The month of June finds a new creation with the completion of the belfry crowned by a cross proclaiming our risen Lord. Helmut was an important leader in the project, but without the strong support of the entire congregation, it would never have happened. Thanks be to God and to the entire congregation. A shortfall in funds for the project remains and any contribution would be appreciated.
Another milestone in the life of Saint Peter’s is upon us. We will soon have a priest. The Search Committee has worked diligently and arrived at three very good candidates for the position.
During the month of June, the Vestry will deliberate. Salary negotiations and other details must be worked out. Therefore, there is no official position as to who the priest will be until the process is fully completed.
Curiosity and excitement lead us to questions as to whom, what, and why. However, the best course of action for our congregation is to pray for the vestry members and God to give them wise counsel. Keeping all confidential until the process is complete is both good manners and a necessity. If tempted to inquire, instead, offer a prayer for wise decisions. We will all be the better for your prayers.
Saint Peter’s has done much with its physical body, the church building, now crowned with the cross of salvation. The cross proclaims a faith that promises that each of us can accept Jesus into our hearts and shout the ‘old is gone, the new has come’ as we are reconciled to our Lord, who does not count our sins against us, but values an honest and sincere heart.
Now, we are expecting a new priest and anxious for a touch of fire to put zeal into our hearts. The old is gone, the new is always with us, each day, as we choose to find and keep it.
Yours in Christ,
Alex Long,
Senior Warden
- St. Peter’s is in its 175th year and we will be celebrating with special events during the next year. The church was completed in Dec. 1835 and consecrated in May 1836. Watch for special history updates in the bulletin and newsletter. Nancy and Cookie are working on this. Please share any ideas you have with them.
- June is certainly “wedding month” at St. Peter’s. There are nine or more members celebrating wedding anniversaries! This is the most of any calendar so far. Also we are pleased that the Heimbach’s daughter, Nancy, will be married here on June 26. The Rev. John Wall will officiate.
- Our sister church, St. Asaph’s, has a web site too. Read all about them on
(For many years we were yolked with St. Asaph’s and Vauter’s. The Rev. Ralph Fall was a busy man covering all three congregations while he lived in the Rectory here for 19 years.
- Kyle Allwine has completed his first year at the University of Mary Washington and is currently working on a 5 wk. dig at Stratford Hall as part of his “field school”. Another of his projects is to help St. Peter’s plan a museum of artifacts. Let Cookie know if you have any old pictures, etc. that you can contribute.
- Special thanks go to the anonymous giver of two beautiful boxwoods that grace our front entrance. They are lovely and perfect for the spot.
- Thanks too to Johnny Davis for spraying our walks with Roundup to keep the grass out. Every bit helps to make our church look cared for and loved. (I remember Karen saying once that our church should be as nice and as well cared for as our homes!)
- Keep Marilyn Newman in your prayers as she cares for her MOM who suffers from Alzheimer’s and needs full time care. She is missed in the choir.
- Both Children’s Sunday School and Tuesday Bible Study have decided to take a “summer break.” After a vacation, we will return with gusto when our new priest is here.
- Summer Choir Practice will change in July and August with practices after church on the 2nd and 4th Sundays those two months.
- We welcome Jim Heimback as the next treasurer of St. Peter’s. He will be working with Clarence and continuing the good work that Clarence has done as keeper of the books and funds. We give thanks for both of these men and their service to St. Peter’s.
- The biggest THANKS of all goes to the dedicated members of the Search Committee who have worked for months and are now ready to recommend a candidate to the vestry. Members are Elizabeth Heimbach (chairman), Eunice Key, Betty Kunstmann, Helmut Linne von Berg and Johnny Davis.
The Rev. Claudia Merritt of Richmond served as interim at St. Peter’s before Father John came to us. She is back preaching once or twice a month and visiting members of the congregation on Mondays and Wednesdays until the new priest arrives. Claudia knows many of our members and is enjoying “catching up” on the current news with our members. She is available if you have needs or just wish for a good listener. She will lead the service on June 20th. Her cell phone number is
804-690-2293. She’d love to hear from you!
Plan now to join in the celebration of our Independence at St. Peter’s on July 3rd from 11am-2pm. There will be many free activities for both children and adults. We will be again serving lunch and the profits will go towards the belfry fund. Tell your friends and send your families. Let Cookie know if you can help. You will want to be sure to see the new exhibits at Town Hall. This is wonderful community activity and grows larger each year!
UTO and ME
The newest United Thank Offering brochure is called “UTO & Me –Sharing Blessings with Thanksgiving and Love.” The following excerpts are taken from this bulletin.
The UTO is a ministry of the Episcopal Church. Men, women and children can nurture the habit of giving daily thanks to God. These prayers of thanksgiving start when we recognize and name our many daily blessings and drop a coin in a special box or jar as a symbol of our thanks. (I keep mine near the washing machine and all found money goes in there too.)
All offerings are uses to support grants for ministries at home and overseas. Each year, 100% of the money collected is given in grants.
What kinds of things does the UTO fund?
- Kitchen equipment for a homeless shelter
- Playground for a child-care center
- Handicap access in church and service buildings
- A school in the Dominican Republic (I visited here and it was heart warming)
- A dental clinic for the poor
- Half-way houses
- After school programs
- A library for a seminary in Africa
Betty Kunstmann is chair of the UTO at St. Peter’s. She often reminds us to offer thanks daily and drop a coin in the box. This is one way we can all be missionaries and spread the word of God at home and abroad. Ingatherings are held twice a year, spring and fall.
Remember: The mission of the United Thank Offering is to expand the circle of thankful people. To achieve this mission we encourage daily prayers, offerings, and awareness of the abundance of God’s blessings.
Health Matters – The Good Fats
Monounsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated fats are called "good" or "healthy" fats because they can lower your bad (LDL) cholesterol. Sources of monounsaturated fat include:
- Avocado
- Canola oil
- Nuts like almonds, cashews, pecans, and peanuts
- Olive oil and olives
- Peanut butter and peanut oil
- Sesame seeds
As a rule, you should eat more monounsaturated fats than saturated or trans fats in your diet. To include more monounsaturated fats, try using olive or canola oil instead of butter, margarine or shortening when cooking. Sprinkling a few nuts or sesame seeds on a salad is an easy way to eat more monounsaturated fats.
Monounsaturated fats are not required on the label. Some foods do list them – particularly if they are a good source.
Polyunsaturated Fat
Polyunsaturated fats are also "healthy" fats. Dietary guidelines recommend you include these in your diet as well as monounsaturated fats. Sources of polyunsaturated fats are:
- Corn oil Salad Dressings
- Cottonseed oil Soft (tub) margarine
- Safflower oil Pumpkin or sunflower seeds
- Soybean oil Mayonnaise
- Sunflower oil Walnuts
Village Dinnersfor the month of June will include baked ham, macaroni and cheese, sautéed cabbage and strawberry shortcake.
Invitation from St. Asaph’s
You are invited to join us in worship at 10am on July 11th at Pitts Pond on Devil’s Three Jump Road (Caroline Middle School is on the same road). Dress is casual with swimming to follow the lunch. Everyone is asked to bring a dish. Bring the kids and grandkids. It’s a beautiful place and you are sure to enjoy the experience.