MARCH 2010
“Grace and Peace from God our Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ!”
It is already the season of Lent. Lent can be a very meaningful experience and discipline (a time for reading, spiritual introspection, resolving issues, praying, repentance, God’s forgiveness and you own for others… In short, a time for a spiritual inspection, an oil change, a re-licensing for the road trip ahead. It is not all about giving up some overused pleasure or vice; it includes doing some things positive.
Easter comes early this year on April 4th. It will be a special time this year at St. Peter’s as we celebrate the Resurrection and the 175th Anniversary of our church. The new Belfry will also be dedicated to the glory of God. Plan now to invite your family and join us in the celebration. Father John Wall and Suzanne will be with us to lead the celebration.
Your new vestry has Joan Poland, Elizabeth Heimbach, Terri Harrison, Bill Smith, Linda Beck, as Junior Warden, and Alex Long as Senior Warden. Clarence has agreed to serve as Treasurer another year. Terri has agreed to serve as Registrar another year.
Titles really do not mean much. Our church continues with the work, contributions, and prayers of many. Those are the real heroes. Alter Guild and ECW contribute greatly as does our mighty Choir and its music director. And, we are blessed with the many daily and weekly actions of those who put fresh flowers in the church and turn out a bulletin on time and those who prepare the calendar or produce this news letter and those gourmet dinners. There are many other gifts given and I have not named them all nor put any names forward, for fear of leaving someone out. All are in. All are participants of this church. The degree of participation results in how the Holy Spirit moves you.
Your vestry members will meet to pray and consider what can be done to broaden our ministry at Saint Peter’s Church. Tremendous positive achievements have been made with the physical improvements – the bell tower being literally a towering task. Now, we must look inward to find how members of St. Peter’s can grow individually in the Lord and then reach out to each other and our community
The first step is to look within ourselves and search for a deeper relationship with God. We are all different and have differing needs and abilities. In First Corinthians, Paul likens members of a church to parts of the body, unable to function without each other. We are all different and connected. A belief in a risen Lord is one of the greatest connections we have.
Please consider and pray about these ideas and share your thoughts with a vestry member. Your input is needed.
As we enter the solemn period of Lent, on our way to the great resurrection, contemplation and introspection can take on a greater role in our lives. Please visit the church website ( for guides and reading material to help make Lent a more vibrant part of your life with Christ.
Yours in Christ,
Our new shipment of “Day by Day” have finally arrived. They will be in the baskets as usual this Sunday. Please take one home and read these lovely prayerful readings day by day. Thank Clarence for checking on our order and getting it to us in such a timely manner!
A pastor met a parishioner while walking along the street. He stopped the man and asked why he did not attended church regularly. The man replied that the sermons were okay, but he said, "Every time I go to church you sing the same songs!" The pastor, who was quite proud of the diversity in the church's music, asked the man which songs he was referring to. Then the man said, “Silent Night and O Little Town of Bethlehem."
Many of us have a reason for not doing something, as well as reasons for doing what we do. So take a few minutes and jot down on paper the answers to these two questions. (1) Why do I go to church? (2) What do I receive from church? Reflect on your answers.
It may help to mark which are the most important and which are of lesser importance.
Review the list in a few days and then think about your answer to the following question: “What am I doing now in the areas of time, talent and treasure and what can I do for the church?”
Rock of Ages…
Cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee. There is an actual cliff in Burrington Combe, Somerset, England that was the inspiration for this hymn. Augustus Montague Toplady (1740-1778) sheltered himself in the deep recess of a crag of limestone that begins one hundred feet in the air and runs right down the centre of this cliff during a sudden thunderstorm. From this experience, he wrote to words to the hymn, “Rock of Ages”.
On March 7th, a violin/piano duet on “Rock of Ages” will be offered. The arrangement you will hear will be from a book called Hymns from Southern Harmony. It is a collection of hymns from the old time camp meetings that “remain part of our open-hearted religious heritage.” It is written with a southern flare. The text is a wonderful devotional message for Lent. Let us praise God for the gift of poetry and composition he gives to his saints – those written long ago continue to be wonderful resources for our daily living. – Denise
Health Matters – Nutrition Tidbit
Has it ever occurred to you that we don't eat food for the fun of it but for the nutrition that we get out of the food that we eat. As my father-in-law says "I eat to live not live to eat". When nutrition experts tell us to fill our plates at least one half or more with fruits and vegetables it is for a good reason. Fruits and vegetables give you many of the nutrients that you need: vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, water, and healthful photochemicals. Some are sources of vitamin A, while others are rich in vitamin C, folate, or potassium. Almost all fruits and vegetables are naturally how in fat and calories and none have cholesterol. All of these healthful characteristics contribute to helping protect you from getting chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.
Eunice Key
Clarence is busy working on the 2010 directory for St. Peter’s. Please let him know of any phone or email changes you have made in the last year. Help make this issue the most accurate yet!
The ladies of St. Peter’s met this week and began planning for the May Flea Market. As you do your spring cleaning, save a pile for St. Peter’s. You never know what others might need. One person’s trash is another’s treasure!
Village Dinner
On Wednesday, March 3, the royal catering crew is going to try something new on you. We are having stuffed cabbage and I have a feeling that it is going to be great. The side is buttered carrots and we'll have corn bread for the first time too. Dessert is an old stand by or American tradition – crumb top apple pie ala mode. YUM YUM
February 2010
In an emergency, the Senior Warden will call the Vestry who will call all names under them. (All are 742- unless otherwise stated.)
St. Peter’s Church/Parish House 742-5908
Alex Long-5612 (H) 540-371-8700 (W) |
Terri -5188 Cell 804- 450-7570 -5331 TnHall wk 632-2116
Joan Poland 540 -775-3277 |
Linda Beck 742-5056 |
Bill Smith -5340 |
Elizabeth Heimbach -5543 |
Herald, Jack -5680 |
Genevieve Davis -5682 |
Cleo Coleman -5406 |
Marion Mahoney -5445 |
Ruth TenHoven -5050 |
Newman, Mike and Marilyn -5091 |
Collins, TC & Jennifer -5072 |
Muhly, Millie & Howard -1208 |
Wisdom Barbara & Boyd -5224
Key, Eunice &Roger 633-2165 Cell 241-5395 |
Pannell Crystal & Fred -5302 |
Fannon. Dave &Dutchy 540-775-2194
Robert Bryan -5570
Cookie & Johnny Davis 5654 |
BJ Jones Jim Anderson -5780 |
Kunstmann Betty & Clarence -5001 |
Betchy, Joe & MaryAnn -5158 |
Segar, Barbara & Tom 540-775-2092
Fields, Cindy & Stanley -5070
Bowen, Virginia & Perry 540-775-2162 |
Duke, Carolyn & Dave -5291 |
Blevins, Carl & Margaret -5460 |
Carey, Laura -5022 |
Holloway, Joe & Anne 540-373-7156 Cell: 540-270-7214 |
Linne Von Berg 5233 |
Upshaw, Linda & Keith 504-371-0389
Fisher, Becky & Chris 445-8299 |
D’Aguilar Hugh & Allison 550-428-9219 |
Vivian McDonald Steve Price -5381 |
Wick Bill & Nancy -1218 |
John Gilliland 540-786-4168 cell 760-2954 |
Carpenters, Phyllis & Bill
Allwine, Sherrie & Kenny 540-775-4787
Fearnow, Ruth & Scott
Symonds. Denise 540-786-2817 cell 540- 226-4686
Everette, Cherry & Woody -5611 |
Roberts, Peggy cell 540-419-1712
Fox, Judy cell 540-847- 1293
Castles, Towlesey 540-373-3605 Cell 540- 903-7547 |
Fortune, Oliver -5747 |
At the Feb. 15th meeting of the 2010 Vestry, the following appointments were made:
- Registrar-Terri Harrison
- Treasurer- Clarence Kunstmann
- Outreach-Joan Poland
- Region 1 Representative-Liz Heimbach
- Parish Post-Cookie Davis
- Calendar-Joan Poland
- Sunday School-Liz Heimbach
- 175th Anniversary Chairmen-Nancy Long & Cookie Davis
- Organ/Choir Contact Person-Terri Harrison
- Historians: Kyle Allwine & Cookie Davis
Other positions needed include:
- Assistant Treasurer
- Stewardship Chair
- Council Delegates for 2011
- Additional Sunday School teachers
- Additional Acolytes
Liz and Cookie represented St. Peter’s at Annual Council this year. It was held in Richmond just prior to the great Snow Storm. Cookie found it to be a great time to bond with other Episcopalians. Karen Woodruff was there and so was Claudia Merritt. Representatives of our sister churches, St. Asaph’s and Vauter’s were also present and it was good to chat informally with them. ECW board members were active and available for discussions also.
The Presiding Bishop led the morning worship and Bishop’s Investment Ceremony at St. Paul’s Church. This was a regal, yet prayerful, affair with Bishop’s Shannon’s wife leading the music.
Business was conducted, exhibits were everywhere and conversation was friendly and bonding. Resolutions were numerous and are listed on the website. They are too numerous to print here. Click on resolutions on
I was especially interested to see the support of Haiti, the Sudan and the Diocese of Jerusalem. It was also approved that an Assistant Bishop be appointed. Please read and note the strength of Bishop Shannon’s leadership. cd