JANUARY 24, 2010
“The Spirit Continues”
Our Mission: “To do God’s Will”
At Home, in the Diocese, in our Country & in the World
Let us begin with prayer: O God, who has called us to serve Thee with gladness, Bless we beseech Thee, this Annual Meeting assembled in Thy name. We thank you for bringing us together again. We commit to your love & care those who would like to come but could not be here today, especially those we now name in our hearts.
Remembering the promise that You will be in the midst of those gathered together in Your name, we trust that You are with us now as we give thanks for the past year and ask your continued blessings upon this church and these people. Guide us, Lord, to continue to strengthen our mission doing your will in this parish, the Diocese, and the world. May we each be called into a deeper relationship with you O God, for it is from that sense of being centered in YOU that we are able to do thy will. May discernment of our gifts come to each of us so that we might honor the call to serve using what is uniquely ours to the best of our ability.
Heavenly Father, we ask all of this in thy name, and call upon the Holy Spirit to empower us to a life of mission and service to the glory of God. Amen
Last year I wrote a poem and named it “The Spirit of St. Peter’s”. It began, “I have a list of minutes, All written in a book and every year in January I go and take a look.” Well it is that time of year again and as your Senior Warden I am charged with this review of 2009. It has been a true pleasure to serve and represent you for the past three years. We have been blessed to have a caring vestry, a loving priest and supportive members. As I reviewed the last ten years of Annual reports I have seen this spirit in the congregations of St. Peter’s year after year.
- In 1999 John Davis wrote. “We began our year on a positive note with a candlelight Epiphany serve, but soon found ourselves in a dilemma when the loft ceiling collapsed on Jan. 25th. From this disaster many blessings have come. (This was when our church loft was enlarged and new plaster and painting soon followed & by October we were ready for an Open House supporting the Caroline Chamber of Commerce.) “Nell Clark and Milt Carey provided wonderful music. Jim Patton told of the church’s history. The ladies served refreshments and gave tours of the new Parish House. It was a wonderful community day!”
- In the 2000 minutes I noted, “The highlight of our year is the new Chalice and Paten purchased with memorial moneys given in the last few years. These small contributions made it possible for us to purchase sterling silver ware, engraved with the church’s name, that we can be proud of for many years to come. It was first used and dedicated to the glory of God on Christmas Day 2000.
- During 2003 there were times of hardship and despair. “The year had begun on a positive note with a newly procured and polished Pascal Candle, a baptism and a wedding in the plans. All seemed right with the world, or so we thought. That’s when our church family was shaken by the death of our friend Milt Carey and the fatal illness of Ron Woodruff which forced The Rev. Karen Woodruff to take leave of absence and later retire. We felt we had lost not only our Priest-in-charge but also three great friends and supporters of St. Peter’s” What did we do?. “We worked together, we found leaders in our congregations, we prayed together and we stayed together. We weathered a difficult time.”
- Alex Long was our Senior Warden and at the Jan. 2004 meeting he talked about the 74th General Convention where “controversial actions overshadowed everything else. A few were please, some outraged, and many confused. ….Today we are at the beginning of a new year, attempting to pick up the pieces, to heal, and embark again and again upon that continual journey—to grow in Christ. In 1st Corinthians, Paul exhorted the church in Corinth to abandon division and move towards unity in Christ. Today, (Jan. 25, 2004) the Episcopal Church is at a crossroads. This same church has been at the crossroads before—it is nothing new. Many of us are polarized by issues, but united in Christ. Whatever your viewpoint, the greater command is to love our Lord and our neighbor….Always pray to find God’s will, not your own.”
- Bill Wick was the Senior Warden and gave the Jan. 30, 2005 report. He too began his report after reviewing the minutes the previous years and noting the issues of frustration and soul searching following the General Convention, and the budget deficits as we lost members to other denominations and to death or moving away.
“In the end, it was the Spirit at work within our parish family providing the solutions to our situation. We were blessed with wonderful new members who wanted to join our Church family. The ECW and their leadership rose to the occasion to provide food and hospitality to groups on many occasions in Port Royal. These activities resulted in some badly need income which was used both to supplement the operating expenses of the Church as well as to support important and needed outreach ministries. You increased your pledges and made monetary gifts vital to help restore the financial stability of St. Peter’s Church. By all of us pulling together and working as a team, we are now on solid financial ground.”
- The themes seen in the 2006-07 reports use the words “Awesome, motivating, and Spiritual Growth” as they described the wonderful work of the Search Committee and the Rev. John F. Wall became our Priest-in-Charge in March 6, 2005. “The vestry decision to call John Wall was a key factor in focusing the work of this church on the ministry that God has called us to do.” We grew in membership, fellowship, financially, Bible Study, Outreach, etc. “In fact it was a time of Growth with Gusto!” (A word we learned from Father John as he admonished us to sing with Gusto as we sing our praises to God.)
Enough about the past, but I felt I needed you to see the kind of parish weare and have been, probably since this church was built in 1835. This year we celebrate our 175th anniversary as a symbol of God in this community, and we are proud that we will be able to do it with the ringing of our original bell back on the church as it stood when built. What an accomplishment! Many thanks go to our Junior Warden, Helmut Linne von Berg for his leadership in this monumental project. Thanks too to all of you who have helped and supported this work. It is a visual reminder of what can be done when we pray and follow God’s will. It is a very visual reminder of Christ in our community and will continue to be so for many years.
The St. Peter’s Yearly Calendar best shows the many activities and events of our church. I include a copy of that in my report for you to see the many events that are ongoing.
JANUARY Village Dinners-every 1st Wednesday+
Epiphany Evening Prayer & Dinner
Congregational meeting & election of Vestry
Annual Council of Diocese of Virginia Cookie & Liz attending Jan. 28-31, 2010
FEBRUARY Installation of Vestry New phone trees distributed
Vestry Goal & Planning Session –scheduled for April 2009 BellTowerdiscussions began
Valentine Dinner (Ladies Night Out) ECM — Feb 13 ‘10 Liz Heimbach appointed Region 1 Delegate
MARCH Annual Professional Cleaning of Buildings Baby Showers for Becky and Carolyn Duke
Shrove Tues. Pancake Supper cooked by the Men(ECM) Pitts & Sons contracted to complete Parish House work
Ash Wednesday Service
` Region 1 Pledge due (We currently pay quarterly.)
APRIL Palm Sunday & Holy Week with Easter Vigil April 4, 2009 Vestry Retreat Day
Maundy Thursday Service with Foot Washing Offering taken for Bishop’s Chapel at Roslyn
Good Friday Service at 7pm Liz agrees to chair Search Committee
Easter Sunrise and 11 am Service with Lilies in Remembrance
MAY UTO Spring Collection Replacement of old glasss in church windows begun
Cathedral Flower Mart New design for brick Memorial garden approved
Ascension Day Service with dinner at Tavern afterwards
ECW Spring Meeting for Diocese
Flea Market Held May 23rd
JUNE Clean up Day for yard and buildings in preparation for July 4th activities New sign designed
Pentecost Picnic Kimberly & Jacqueline attend Camp
Apostles Peter and Paul Day (Ice cream Social Suggested) Kyle graduates with honors-we celebrate with family
JULY July 4th HPR Day at the church Held on our grounds, we sold lunch, opened the church and provided entertainment for both children & adults. Father J asks Bishop Johnston to visit our parish
Picnic with St. Asaph’s Held July 5th 2009 & enjoyed by all
Long Wedding at St. Peters
AUGUST Scholarship requests due-Five $500 given students Sept 9th Contract to cover & protect Church wind Sept. 6 Ezekiel Fisher baptized New Piano named in honor of Denise Symonds
SEPTEMBER * Collect School Supplies for Social Services–More outreach Sept. 27th Father John’s last Sunday
ECW Dinner & Auction in odd years Sept. 26th Historic Port Royal Tour – Open House here
Gospel on the Rivah –This became a salute to the ministry of John and Suzanne Wall Sept. 17th with donation of $1000 given to National Museum of the Army in John’s honor plus framed pictures of St. Peter’s.
Handicap ramps repainted at Fall Hall
OCTOBER * Blessing of the Animals ECW HoeDown at Fannon Farm earns $4000 for missions & projects
Virginia Day at the Cathedral Carl & Margaret Blevins donate new Grill to St. Peter;s
ECW Annual Diocesan Meeting Cookie & Eunice attend in Winchester—CD speaks on Missions in DR
Steve Price repairs water pipes in churchyard
NOVEMBER * Shoebox Christmas Project Nancycoordinated this again this year
Annual Food Drive kickoff for the year Portobago Classics sponsor Food Drive and Concert at St. Peters
Begin BUDGET process 1850 Meneely church bell researched & repaired
Pledge Sunday led by Clarence in pauper’s dress $400 donated to Hunters for the Hungry, $500 to Nat. Cathedral, $500 to local fire dept., $269 sent to Roslyn Chapel
Thanksgiving Community Service (Perhaps we can take the lead here!)
DECEMBER Christmas Bible Study/ECW Luncheon at Buster’s in ’09
Caroling in the Village & Soup Supper We joined in supporting singing with Town of Port Royal 2009
Christmas Eve Service Elf tree for adopted Christmas family
Lessons & Carols Wedding held in Fall Hall & family donated $500 to Bell Project plus poinsettias for hall
Pageant snowed out in 2009 Dec. 27th Evening Contata with St. Asaph’s choir & ours…a real treat!
Letters of Agreement with Priest & Organist due Poinsettias beautified our church during the holidays
Conclude the BUDGET process Kyle Allwine begins study & planning for St. Peter’s Museum at UMW.
New Year’s Eve Gala Great fellowship Enjoyed by a house full at Fall Hall
Also there are:
6 Months of Fellowship Dinners — 12 Months of Village Dinners –Weekly Bible Study —Weekly services including both Morning Prayer and Eucharist, monthly newsletters with timely updates as needed, monthly donations of food for the needy, gifts for service men, numerous visits to the sick, gifts & food for those in need, monthly coffee hours, numerous receptions and much more.
I think the Spirit of St. Peter’s is still alive and spreading in the community and beyond. Let me repeat last year’s poem. It says it all:
The Spirit of St. Peter’s
I have a list of minutes
All written in a book
And every year in January
I go and take a look.
And that is when I realize
That each action stands for someone I know
Who has given their time & talents
To make this church grow.
And whether I have known you for
Many years or just a few
You have been important
In shaping & sharing this spirit too.
You fulfill our motto
Carrying out God’s will
And when I read these minutes
They give my heart a thrill.
For you are the spirit of St. Peters
As you give in our community, our country and the world.
May this Spirit of St. Peters
Never ever depart
May it leave its richest blessing
With you
In your heart.
Thank you.
Carolyn Davis, Senior Warden 2007-09
Lord, who throughout these forty days
(News from our Choir Director Denise Symonds)
We begin the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday, February 17th. It is once again a time of self-examination and repentance leading us to the joy of Christ’s resurrection on Easter day.
During Lent, we sing hymn #142, “Lord, who throughout these forty days”. The text to this hymn was written by Claudia Frances Hernaman, who wrote primarily for children. This text takes the form of a prayer of petition. Stanzas 1 through 3 ask, “As you did these things (fast, pray, contend with Satan, win the victory, hunger and thirst), we ask you to help us to do these (mourn our sins, die to self and live by your word.)” Stanzas 4 and 5 ask for Christ’s presence in life and death and lift up the vision of Easter joy. It is a text that is well suited for teaching about certain aspects of the observance of Lent.
A wonderful practice this Lenten season could be to pray the text of this hymn in our daily devotions. It can prepare us to live each day more mindful of this time of self-examination and repentance, and equip us to teach our children, grandchildren and neighbors the aspects of a holy observance of Lent. Let the world see what Lent means!
Fred and I would like to thank all of you for your generous contributions to the food bank in Bowling Green. With your contributions and the $400 the vestry approved for purchases we have provided provisions for many.
The Army Battle Warrior Unit in outpost Camp Monti, Afghanistan, was thrilled with the package sent in January. Thank you so much. We will send another in March if you would like to make a contribution.
We have delivered a number of items to Hope House. Those they were not able to accept were taken to Bragg Hill’s Brisbane Shelter for the less fortunate. All were most appreciated. They ask that we send their love to Suzanne Wall, who was such an inspiration to them.
And lastly, I would like you to know that a 15 pound box of used Christmas Cards was sent to St. Jude’s Children’s Ranch on Boulder Nevada.
Each of you has helped make these contributions possible and we do appreciate it. Please remember to keep the back pew filled and if you do have questions, please call Fred or me.
Thank you so much, Joan
Miss Nellie Blanche Clarke, 83, of Fredericksburg, passed away on January 27, 2010 at Dog Wood Village of Orange, Orange, Virginia. She was a piano teacher; music was a great love of her life. She taught many years at her studio in Fredericksburg and also taught part-time at Germanna Community College. She played each Sunday at St. Peter’s for many years, beginning in July of 1982. She retired in Aug. 2000. She is survived by a brother, Otis M. Clarke, of Birmingham, AL; nephews, Clarke Crutchfield of Troy and Kendall Clarke of Mobile, AL; nieces, Catherine Russo of Scottsville, Elizabeth Crutchfield of Stratford Harbor, Margaret C. Norris of Kinsale and Carolyn Clarke Jackson of Birmingham, AL. She was preceded in death by a sister, Mrs. Alice Crutchfield. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at Montross Chapel of the Welch Funeral Home. Interment will follow in Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made the Rappahannock Music Society 7147 Peppermill Road, King George, VA 22484. |
Search Committee Update
Johnny Davis, Elizabeth Heimbach, Eunice Key, Betty Kuntsman, and Helmut Linne von Berg are the members of the Search Committee. After the committee was formed last May, our first job was to prepare and analyze the survey questionnaire that the congregation completed this summer. Based on the survey results, we then we updated the booklet profiling the parish. The next step of the search was to complete a form with the information the Diocese uses when it posts openings on its web site. Just after Thanksgiving we finally received information about several potential candidates. In the weeks ahead we will learn more about these and other candidates, and we will visit some of the churches where they are currently serving. We hope that in the end we will find a priest who right for St. Peter’s. As people who have been through previous searches know, this process does not move quickly. Please keep the committee in your thoughts and prayers! Liz
Health Matters by Eunice
Agaveis a sweetener extracted from a South American cactus, and traditionally used to make tequila. Often called "honey water," the agave nectar or agave syrup is light, both in taste and color. It is runnier than honey and tastes much milder, but is in fact sweeter so even less is required in cooking. Agave is extraordinarily low glycemic – it has almost no impact on blood sugar, making it an ideal sweetener for diabetics and those who are sensitive to sugars. Agave nectar is composed of 90-percent fructose sugars and 10-percent glucose sugars and can be used all types of beverages (hot and cold) any as well as cooked or raw food recipes.
Village Dinners
Hope you can join us in the Village on the first Wednesday in February. We’re having spaghetti, tossed salad and pineapple upside down cake.
Inclement weather has severely curtailed progress on our belfry project. However, as we speak, the metal cross is being fabricated. It will be rust proofed and painted dark brown, same as the church building trim. Its size will be similar to the tryout cross which is now temporarily mounted on the belfry; the size was established by tryout and by recommendation of our architect Mr. Douglas Harnsberger. The cross will be attached to our lightning arrest system as soon as it is mounted. The belfry itself will be the same color as our church building. If we feel it necessary, it can be highlighted at a later date with our trim color, i.e. dark brown corners, trim, etc.
As a gift to our congregation, Mr. Randy Pitts is fabricating a smaller metal cross to replace the 10 pound window weight which is now being used as a weight to hold down the bell rope. We will find that ringing the bell with the cross at the end of the rope will be much easier as there is something to hold onto. I think the congregation ought to elect a permanent bell ringer, someone regular in attendance and willing to be in the choir loft 5 minutes before the service to ring the bell for a minute each Sunday.
Let us pray for an improvement in the weather so we get this job done.
Blessings, Helmut.
ECW Report for 2009
Submitted by Marion Mahoney, President
Other Officers:
Eunice Key, Vice-President
Betty Kunstmann, Secretary
Crystal Pannell, Treasurer & Altar Guild Chairman
Carolyn (Cookie) Davis & Joan Poland – Altar Flowers
Betty Kunstmann, UTO Chairman
Crystal Pannell, CPC Chairman
I am happy to report that despite difficult economic times, 2009 was a successful year for the ECW, thanks to the dedication and hard work of our members.
The Altar Guild continued its all-important ministry under the capable leadership of Crystal Pannell, and the altar flowers added beauty to the service week after week, thanks to the artistry of Cookie and Joan.
In 2009, we were proud to contribute to the magnificent new altar hangings which were dedicated to the memory of our late members, Cissy Stehl. They have enhanced the dignity and beauty of our Sunday services.
Eunice Key and her able assistants Betty Kunstmann, Cindy Fields, Cookie Davis, Vivian McDonald and Helmut LinnevonBerg (waste management engineer), continued their popular monthly Village Dinners. These not only promoted community fellowship, but, also raised $2,141.00 for our treasury! Their ministry has been a blessing to all of us.
In May, we held our annual Flea Market, which enriched our coffers by $1,063.01. Heartfelt thanks to Cookie Davis, Eunice, Betty, Dutchy Fannon, and Vivian McDonald (who manned the grill all afternoon) and everyone who helped with the sale and clean-up.
In October, we held our most ambitious fund raiser of the year, our bi-annual auction. An event like this requires much organization and hard work to ensure success. Sincere thanks to Dutchy and Dave Fannon, who generously lent their barn for the auction. So many people donated their time and energy to this project that it is difficult to name them all, but special appreciation goes to Cindy Fields, who arranged for the music and food, to Cookie Davis, who oversaw the set-up, Barbara Wisdom, who prepared the silent auction bid sheets and thank you letters to donors, and to everyone who helped serve and clean up before and after the event. Everyone had a great time, and we raised $4,571.00 for our charities! (Please see the attachment to review all of our contributions for 2009).
Joan Poland continued her ministry for our military, collecting clothes and toilet articles for veterans’ hospitals and phone cards for those serving overseas.
Betty Kunstmann continues to represent the UTO, raising $649.00 in 2009. Thank you, Betty!
Other activities over the last year included participation in the “shoebox” collection of Samaritan’s purse, hosting the monthly coffee hours and “adopting” a needy family at Christmas to provide clothes and toys. We enlisted the help of the entire congregation in the project, coordinated by Joan Poland and Dutchy Fannon.
A heartfelt thanks goes to our “men’s auxiliary”, without whose help our activities would be nearly impossible. They always stand ready to lend a hand where needed. This was especially true for the flea market and auction.
Although we were saddened last year by the retirement of our Pastor, John Wall, and his dear wife Suzanne, we look to the New Year with optimism.
We are already discussing new fund raising opportunities that will be fun and profitable. As the New Year unfolds, we will strive to grow in faith and dedication to do God’s will at St. Peter’s and in the larger community. With God’s help, 2010 will be our best yet!
St. Peter’s Church Women’s Night-Out February 13, 2010
The St. Peter’s Women’s Night-Out (WNO) was started several years ago by Tom Mahoney as a fund raising event, but also because he thought it might be a lot of fun to have the men do the cooking for a change. He was right on both counts as the event has raised thousands of dollars for the church and everyone has a good time. This evening is very special and is done fondly in his memory. All the great chefs of St. Peter’s are welcomed! This year the WNO will be at Fall Hall, February 13th, and starting at 6:00pm
The funds raised this year will go towards the cost of the new belfry. The cost to attend this event is $20 a person, and is tax deductible. We look forward to you attending and maybe inviting another couple to attend with you. Checks should be made payable to St. Peter’s Church and provided along with your reservation. Please indicate on the check that it is for the WNO. Our treasurer, Clarence Kunstmann, will be taking reservations and collecting money.