Sunday, August 4, 2013 (full size gallery)
Unexpected pictures! This week we had Johnny and Audrey from Oregon coming through Port Royal on the way to New Bern, NC and the end to their cross country ride/run. Boyd and Barbara were the ambassadors and gave them directions and a hearty welcome. It helps that Johnny has been running his whole life to be able even conceive of this trip.
Photos came this week from Becky and then from Shrine Mont’s blog. There was Tucker and Churchill Gibson IV leading the "Shouting Prayer" which was created by Churchill’s grandfather. So, we will set August 11 as "Shrine Mont Sunday" to let the Fishers talk about Shrine Mont. In fact we have a special page on Shrine Mont and in particular about their upcoming capital campaign
Today was a special day in the life of a church – a baptism. It is one of the ways we grow and connect across age groups. The weather certainly cooperated – one of the best summer days anyone can imagine – brilliant sunshine with low humidity. We had 59 including the children coming in from the nursery during baptism.
Catherine opened with "Prayers to the People", normally not a part of the baptism service. This prayer was not only for the safe return of Alex from Afghanistan but also for helping the family making the transition after his absence.
We also recognized the birth of Vivian’s new grandson, Isaiah. Later in the service we celebrated Eunice’s recent birthday and the amazing work of Rob Dobson on renovating the Parish bathroom which is now handicapped accessible with a wheelchair. Over in the Parish house is also the new ECW mug which came in during this week.
In the Episcopal Church, "In the waters of baptism we are reminded that we belong to God and nothing can separate us from the love of God. We also find ourselves part of an extended family, one with Christians throughout the ages and across the world, what we call the “one, holy, catholic [meaning ‘universal’], and apostolic Church.” The original Jewish baptism was a cleansing bath but the Christian is a tranformative one that brings you into the church and into the lives of others. We pledge to help uphold his baptism as members of the body of Christ.
The transformative idea was a main part of the sermon. (The readings are here and the bulletin). It says "And the sacrament of baptism is where this process of changing up our wardrobes begins—-the stripping off of the old self and putting on the new self, which is a lifelong process." It meant stripping one naked to become baptized
"But I hope that all of us will carry with us from this day a reminder that our baptisms do mean that each day when we get up and get dressed, we remind ourselves that as Christians, we are clothing ourselves in Christ. "
"The writer of Colossians also provides us with a list of things that destroy community, and keep us as a community from putting on new life—and those things are anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive language– More unbecoming clothing for the trashcan. " And instead clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.”
In his book Practice Resurrection Eugene Peterson says the most urgent need for American Christians is to grow up. Peterson says that our tendency has been to put the emphasis on becoming a Christian, but to neglect the next step maturing as a Christian.
God’s work is within us shaping us into a new creation. "Above all clothe yourselves in love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. … And be thankful. (3:12-15).
After the service, we celebrated the service at the Longs. They had meat, veggie burgers, green vegetagles, homemade bread and salad along with two cakes – one for Owen and the otther for Alex safe return. A wonderful day and afternoon.