Holy Week Wednesday, 2018

Walk with Jesus in his suffering and share in his resurrection during Holy Week. 

The Biblical verses below will lead you along Jesus’ path of Wednesday of Holy Week.

We have a number of commentaries below to supplement the scripture- some more like a  summary (What Happened on Wednesday, Holy Week Timeline), others visual (Visual Timeline) and "Spy Wednesday."  Jesus is not confronted in the public arena but there  is  the underlying plot with Judas and other "friends" in betraying him.  There is a link from "Progression of Faith" that includes a summary based on The Last Week (Borg/Crossan).  

Wednesday, March 28, 2018 – The Plot and the Perfume 

Jesus continues his daily teaching in the Temple

Luke 21:37-38

With Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread approaching, the chief priests, elders, and scribes plot to kill Jesus

Plot to Kill Jesus
Mark 14:1-2
Matthew 26:3-5
Luke 22:1-2

The anointing at Bethany – Mark 14:3-9

Satan enters Judas, who seeks out the Jewish authorities in order to betray Jesus for a price 

Judas goes to meet with chief priests –
Mark 14:10-11

Matthew 26:14-16
Luke 22:3-6


Video Introduction to Wednesday
Holy Week Timeline- Wednesday
Holy Week Visual Timeline- Wednesday, Thursday
Spy Wednesday
What Happened on Wednesday of Holy Week ? 
Brothers of SSJE comment on betrayal
Progression of Faith Blog – Wednesday
Brothers of St. John the Evangelist – Praying Wednesday of Holy Week


Tenebrae 7pm, March 2018 This service introduces the events of Holy Week and provides an opportunity to meditate on those events through the words of the Psalms. The most conspicuous feature of the service is the gradual distinguishing of candles until only a single candle, considered a symbol of our Lord, remains.

Background to Tenebrae

Bulletin 2018
Service Readings for Wednesday
Photos 2018 
Description 2018 

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