Holy Week Friday, April 10, 2020

Walk with Jesus in his suffering and share in his resurrection during Holy Week.

Friday, April 10, 2020 – The Execution

Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested by the authorities (perhaps after midnight, early Friday morning)

Matthew 26:47-56
Mark 14:43-52
Luke 22:47-53
John 18:2-12 

Jewish trial, phase 1: Jesus has a hearing before Annas (former high priest and Caiaphas’s father-in-law)

Interrogation by Annas –
John 18:12-15
John 18:19-24 

Jewish trial, phase 2: Jesus stands trial before Caiaphas and part of the Sanhedrin

Night Trial –
Mark 14:53-65
Matthew 26:57-68

Peter denies Jesus

Peter in the Courtyard –  
Mark 14:66-72 
Matthew 26:69-75
Luke 22:55-62
John 18:15-18, 25-27

Perhaps after sunrise, phase 3 of Jesus’ Jewish trial: final consultation before the full Sanhedrin; sent to Pilate

Morning Council Meeting –
Mark 15:1
Luke 22:66-23.1 
Matthew 27:1-2

Phase 1 of Jesus’ Roman trial: first appearance before Pontius Pilate; sent to Herod Antipas 

First hearing before Pilate –
Luke 23.1-7 
Mark 15:2-5 ,
Matthew 27:11-14  

Phase 2 of Jesus’ Roman trial: appears before Herod Antipas; sent back to Pontius Pilate

Interrogation by Antipas – Luke 23.8-12 

Judas hangs himself – The Death of Judas  – Mathew 27:3-5 

Phase 3 of Jesus’ Roman trial: Jesus’ second appearance before Pilate; condemned to die

Second hearing before Pilate –
Luke 23.13-23
Mark 15:6-15

Matthew 27:15-26,
John 18:28-19:16

The flogging – Mark 15:16-20 

Jesus is crucified (from approximately 9 AM until Noon). The crucifixion –
Mark 15:16-32 
Matthew 27:27-54
Luke 23:26-49
John 19:16-37

Darkness at noon – Mark 15:33
“It is Finished” – Mark 15:34-47 
Joseph of Arimathea –
Mark 15:42-47
John 19:38-42  

Progression of Faith Blog – Friday

Passion Gallery – Friday

Focus on the Music of Good Friday – St. Matthew’s  Passion, St. John’s Passion

Focus on the Art of Holy Week  


Video introduction to Friday
Holy Week Timeline-  Friday
Holy Week Visual Timeline-Friday
It is Finished
What Happened on Friday of Holy Week ?
Progression of Faith Blog – Friday 
Society of St. John the Evangelist – Praying Good Friday

Zoom Church 7pm, Good Friday
Good Friday bulletin

Service Readings


Good Friday, 7pm.  This service is a time of prayer and reflection as we meditate on Christ’s passion and death. At this service, we will hear the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John. A large cross will be brought into the church and we will have time to meditate on Christ’s passion and death during the Veneration of the Cross.

Mary Peterman’s Stations of the Cross

Bulletin 2019
Photos 2019 
Description 2019 
Service Readings
Sermon 2019