“Spent most of today working with my teacher, and we only briefly left the house after lunch because it rained. Whew! Verbos, verbos, verbos!!!!
“Being in one place for a while is just wonderful. I’m getting to know the neighborhood and some of the people. I saw a woman in the restaurant where I ate lunch today with the cutest young dog–then this afternoon, I saw her on my street–sure enough, she’s my neighbor. The dog, Bango, is a rescue dog from the volcano explosion a few months ago. Paula and her husband have moved to Guatemala for good. They are from Nevada.
“I’m addicted to the bakery, San Marten, I go there almost every day! Tonight I had a pizza there.
“Some photos of the beautiful place I"m staying, both in and out–the volcano early this morning through the window, the garden, an outside photo of my teacher Marleny in front of the apt windows.
“Also, late yesterday afternoon as I was walking home, near dusk, I saw the volcano that exploded recently! It’s only 12 miles away. I could see it smoking.
The volcano early this morning through the window,
Mayan woman carrying a basket on her head in town
The garden at the home.
My teacher, Marleny Aragon, in front of my apt, to the left you can see into the apt
Early morning view of my living room–check out the stained glass above the doorway
Studying away!