September 8 Creation (Volume 2, Lesson 2)
September 15 Parable of the Good Shepherd
September 22 The Ark (Volume 2, Lesson 3)
September 29 The Great Family (Volume 2, Lesson 4)
October 6 The Exodus (Volume 2, Lesson 5)
October 13 The Ten Best Ways (Volume 2, Lesson 6)
October 20 The Story of Abraham (Volume 6: Enrichment Lesson 2)
October 27 The Story of Sarah (Volume 6: Enrichment lesson 3)
November 3 The Story of Jacob (Volume 6: Enrichment lesson 4)
November 10 The Good Shepherd and World Communion (Volume 4: Lesson 10)
(Children will come into church for Communion)
November 17 The Circle of the Church Year (Volume 2: Lesson 1)
Novebmer 24th—No Godly Play
December 1 Advent I (Volume 3, Lesson 1) (Children will be in church to light Advent wreath)
December 8 Advent (Volume 3, Lesson 2) (Children will be in church to light Advent wreath)
December 15 Advent (Volume 3, Lessons 3 and 4) (Children will be in church to light Advent wreath)
December 22 Christmas Pageant