Frontpage August 11, 2013

Top links

1. Newcomers – Welcome Page

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Priest-in-Charge

3. St. Peter’s News

4.  Aug 2013 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (August, 2013)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website (Aug. 16, 2013)

9. Transportation in Need List

10. Latest Photo Galleries  A. July 4 B.  Bishop Visitation  C. ECW at Ginter Gardens   

11. Latest Bulletin (Aug. 18 2013, 11am).and Sermon (Aug. 4, 2013)

Bulletin 08-18-13

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman



Make each child a winner this fall: donate school supplies

Check out this school list here, bring them into the church and Fred will deliver to the Rotary Club. Deadline is the end of August.

Tucker on Shine Mont  

"We had two baptisms at St. George’s Camp and then I came home and we had a baptism at St. Peter’s. It’s so great to be able to welcome them into the body of Christ, which is what we were learning about at St. George’s Camp. 

"In my eight days of staying at Shrine Mont we did a lot. We had Christmas. Now, an interesting thing about Christmas, because the sheppards were out watching their flocks, it probably was summertime or something, so maybe mid-August is when the sheppards may have visited with the good news. At Shrine Mont, they always through a little summer Christmas party. They had that in my session. I’m glad because I like having Christmas up at Shrine Mont. We had casino night. It’s a really fun night where they hand out monopoly money and you get to hang out at Moo-maw. 

"We hang out there at lot especially during camper free time. We did worship everyday. And one of the other things I had never been to an all camp worship. They did two all camp worships. I went both! 

"I also want to tell you about squdoosh. He’s a snake like thing which they made up for under the boys bathroom. If you have a question they made him up so he knows everything in the world. Everybody says that he’s the reason the bathroom smells so bad at the boy latrines. And we’re hoping that if they build new latrines that they’ll work better and squdoosh won’t smell as bad. " 

Music Part 4 – The Choir

Editor’s note: As part of the music series  we have looked at the George Stevens organ, concerts, and organists, with an interview with Brad. We will conclude this week with the choir. I have asked Roger Key for his memories of his life in music and in particular the St. Peter’s Choir

"I have loved music all my life. As a young boy I use to stay up at nights listening to the transistor radio. When a teen I asked Santa for a car stereo system before I had a car for it to go in. My music preferences changed often therefore not necessarily following any one type. I bore easily and most of time will change the song on a radio before it ever finishes.  

"When I was young and an acolyte at a Methodist Church, my mom sang in the choir. And still does to this day.

"When my wife Eunice and I was visiting churches near our home outside of Richmond, I  was awe struck by the choir at St Peters United Methodist Church because the way the  sanctuary was situated they stood directly facing the congregation and they truly enjoyed what they were doing.  I couldn’t resist and eventually joined. 

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St. Peter's Pet Directory 2012 

 Enter our animal kingdom!

 Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture

Prayer Request

Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.

  Sunday, August 11, 2013  (full size gallery)

        See the Sunday Review


August 12-15 Vacation Bible School – 6pm supper, 6:30pm activities

August 16- 6:00pm, Community Dinner #8 – Parish House 

August 18- 11:00pm, Holy Eucharist, Rite II


This Sunday at St. Peter’s – Servers, Readings   

This Week!   Vacation Bible School and Community Dinner, August 12-16

Vacation Bible School Parish House, Monday to Thursday, 6pm-7:30pm

  • Supper, 6pm
  • Activities for children and adults 6:30pm to 7:30pm. 
  • The adults will be studying Paul’s letter to the Galatians.  Here is our series – Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3

Community Dinner #8 – August 16, 2013 – 6pm, Parish House

Hot dogs, hamburgers, beans, chips, watermelon

August 12 – First Night at Vacation Bible School

A good start to VBS. Check out the article and slide show on the first day

August 13 – Second Night at Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible school continued in night #2 with a concentration on the Apostle Paul taught on three levels:

Check it out.

August 14 – Third Night at Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible school continued in night #3 with a concentration on the Apostle Paul’s friends, his travels and Galatians conclusion. Big treat was ice cream afterwards:

Read the story and see the pictures

ECM Dinner, August 10, 2013 in Johnny’s barn  (full size gallery)

ECM 2nd anniversary dinner for the church, August 10, 2013. About 37 present with plenty of crabs, hotdogs, hamburgers, chips and of course the ECM 2nd annniversary cake. A beautiful summer evening after an earlier rain.

Gospel this week –"I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!" – Luke 12:49-56

There a shift of mood in the gospel from last week’s Luke 12:32-48. That passage begins with a beautiful theme of blessing for the crowd. “Do not be afraid, little flock” to this week’s “Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division!” Now there’s a shift ! 

When he is with the crowd, strangers and foreigners, he proclaims the Good News of God’s unconditional acceptance and universal compassion. When Jesus is with the disciples, his teaching is far more demanding and often blunt.

Contradicting the angels’ promise of peace on earth at his birth in Luke 2, Jesus emphatically denies that he’s come to bring peace. Instead, he claims to be the bearer of discord and fragmentation. As he journeys toward Jerusalem, Jesus becomes a source of conflict and opposition when he lays claim to startling forms of authority and power. His words are marked with a sense of urgency and intensity. The road to Jerusalem, after all, leads to a violent confrontation with death.

"Fire Window" – National Cathedral, Washington

This week’s gospel can be divided into three parts :

1 In verses 49-53, there are three images – casting fire, baptism/immersion , division of family members

At least with the first two images, fire and baptism, Jesus’ is distressed that he hasn’t completed these tasks. By placing this saying in the midst of the journey narrative — Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem but not there, yet — Luke may be indicating that the completion of these tasks takes place on the cross in Jerusalem when he is "immersed" into death, or, in a broader sense, his immersion into the passion/suffering events that take place in Jerusalem

Jesus explains the way in which His coming will “cast fire on the earth.” He also expresses an eagerness to get on with the process of bringing fire to the earth. This “fire” has implications for the family, but not those which we would prefer. The coming of Christ will cause great division within families, driving wedges between those family members between whom we normally find a strong bond.

What is this fire ?

One possibility of the “fire” of which Jesus spoke is the same fire about which the prophets, including John the Baptist, spoke—the fire of divine wrath. When Jesus said that He had come to “kindle a fire” – the outpouring of God’s wrath on sinful Israel/ His death on the cross would set in motion a series of events, which will eventuate in the pouring forth of God’s divine wrath on sinners.

Another possibility is to consider the phrase “begin on fire” to refer to someone who is passionate about something. We need to get rid of things that exploit and do not sustain us (such as poverty, racism, disease). Redemption can come only when those systems are shattered and consumed by fire and we rebuild based on a different set of values. Business as usual means injustice and death. Thus, life can not flourish with a crisis which is God’s presence.

Thirdly, it can also speak to Jesus transformation – from man to resurrected individual and the change. His purpose was to become a sacrifice for our sins and his baptism was the crucifixion. His death on the cross would set in motion a series of events, which will eventuate in the pouring forth of God’s divine wrath on sinners and the creation of the church

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George Townsend’s sketches of Port Royal, 1880’s

His sketches are not particularly high quality but they do provide the earliest picture of St. Peter’s as well as provide drawings of other sites around Port Royal: 


These sketches were found in the Jim Patton file on St. Peter’s. Someone penciled a key to the picture which is shown below 


St. Peter’s drawing is found here

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