Evening ECW Meeting
October 17, 2011
Present: Phyllis Sue Carpenter, Carolyn Duke, Cindy Fields, Elizabeth Heimbach, Barbara Wisdom
Absent: Linda Beck, Terri Harrison, Catherine Hicks
We passed the penny jar, and Barbara Wisdom opened the meeting with an inspirational reading titled “Running on Empty or Full”.
Old business:
Fall Festival:
Barbara gave a report on the ECW’s participation in the Bowling Green Fall Festival on October 15. The sale of jewelry was a great success, and it earned $485.75. The baked goods were a little less profitable because lots of organizations were selling similar wares.
Cell phone and eyeglass collection:
Cindy is collecting used eye glasses and cell phones. She will ask Catherine to put a note in the Sunday bulletin.
Next community dinner:
We talked about the November 12 community dinner. Phyllis Sue has arranged for us to use the firehouse. We decided that baked spaghetti makes a lot of sense. Stanley will cook
Carolyn will bring 3 loaves of garlic bread
Elizabeth will bring 3 bags of salad greens and 3 bottles of dressing
Betty Kuntsmann has agreed to shop for spaghetti, sauce at the commissary in Quantico.
Cindy will buy tablecloths and foil pans; she will also check about paper plates, cups, napkins, and plastic forks.
Stanley will make ice tea, and Barbara will bring her coffee pot.
Phyllis Sue will make 2 dozen chocolate cupcakes. Terri will make 2 dozen yellow cupcakes with white icing, and Cindy will make 2 dozen spice cupcakes with cream cheese icing.
Elizabeth will make 50 flyers to give to the churches in town, and put up in the post office, the town hall, and the library
Cindy will check with Catherine about notices in the bulletin.
Everyone will save receipts so that we will have the records for the Mustard Seed grant.
Mitten, muffler Collection:
We want to begin to collect mittens, gloves, and scarves for Social Services. We will ask everyone to bring them to church by November 20.
All sales from now on will be profit! Barbara will check about selling the books at Horne’s and at a Friends of the Library sale in Bowling Green in December.
New business:
Barbara attended the last daytime ECW meeting to update the group on the cookbook sales.
Barbara also reported that the ECW event on October 29 at the Davis’ will feature chicken cooked by Stanley and pies supplied by the Royal Caterers. Cindy has tickets.
We will be invited to the Christmas luncheon, and we hope to have a joint event after the holidays.
Terri will lead our next meeting on November 14 at 7:00.
We closed the meeting with a prayer. Barbara then served delicious gingerbread and cider.