This was a proper celebration and honoring of a charter 269 years old and a town the oldest in Caroline County. It was more than a celebration that. As Mayor Nancy Long said it is anticipated that the town will significantly increase in size by July 1, 2014 which will bring long needed revenue. Jim Heimbach, member of the council, brought up the new pier that will be a collaboration between the town and Friends of the Rappahannock. Herb Collins spoke and of course is a major contributor of the Port Royal Museum that has opened in the last year. He is still assembling that legacy. He told me he added 2 paintings to that museum last week.
St. Peter’s contributed the moon bounce and slide that was enormously popular with the children. Many of our parishioners played an active role. Besides the mayor and town council, Cookie handled the moon bounce/slide; Mike Newman put on his colonial garb ; Peggy Roberts, Nancy Wick, and Elizabeth took over the water and soda sales; Bill Wick and Helmut handled the beer sales; Becky Fisher was involved in a booth along with Kimberly. Phyllis Sue was involved in the cooking. Of course many of the children were there
One surprise was the meeting of a group of gentlement from Reedville who played a major part in the recreation of John Smith’s boat (The Spirit of 1608) he used in 1608 to sale up and down Va. rivers, creating the basis for his famous map that one could sail by today. This was not a very comfortable ride – 15 men on a small boat (28′) that sailed 94 miles. It took them 4,000 hours to create this vessel which was researched thoroughly. It was featured in a PBS special.
Free Lance-Star articles
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