Caroline County relief organizations

1. Glory Outreach – A Food/Clothing Ministry of Salem Baptist Church.


• Approved Federal Food Distribution Point

• Mission Statement: To be the hands and feet of Christ by providing food and clothing to those in need.

• Located on East Broaddus Avenue next to the Shell Gas Station in Bowling Green. • Hours of Operation: Tuesday Nights, 6-8 p.m.

• Donations encouraged and accepted during Hours of Operation.

• Free Food and Clothing in Limited Quantities. Glory Outreach is the food and clothing ministry of Caroline County established by local churches and community members striving to be on mission.

We are located at 148 East Broaddus Avenue near Pizza Hut. We are open to the general public on Tuesday evenings from 6-8 p.m. and Friday mornings from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

We offer free groceries and free clothing. There are no restrictions except that clients are asked to come only one time per month.

Our mission is to be the hands and feet of Christ in offering a helping hand to families in times of need.

We serve on average 400 different families per month, which represents over 1,000 people right here in our community! We function through food, clothing and monetary donations from the churches and community organizations and citizens who understand the need to make a difference right here at home!

You may contact Glory Outreach at 804-633-6418 or . We sincerely appreciate your consideration.

We are always in need of the following food items:

Canned meats
Peanut Butter
Canned soups and stews
Pasta sauce
Canned potatoes,
Canned ravioli
granola bars
Canned fruit
Macaroni and cheese,
boxed meals
Fresh produce
Boxed milk and juice drinks

Personal hygiene items: Soap Shampoo Toilet paper Deodorant

The clothing department is always in need of adult (both women’s and men’s) large and plus size clothes. There is a constant need for children’s clothes in all sizes, especially size 2-10. We need shoes in all sizes, especially men’s shoes sizes 10-13 and women’s size 9 and larger.

2. CERVE (Caroline Emergency Relief Effort) – During business hours call Social Services 804-633-5071 and ask for Martha Lane; After business hours contact Brian Finucane at 804-448-3754 (Home) or 804-833-5435 (Cell).

• Offers assistance to transient people using a contract with Days Inn (Carmel Church) for one night’s lodging, which includes a breakfast meal.

• Offers monetary assistance with utility bills under emergency situations, but utilizes other social service programs first.

Caroline Emergency Relief through Volunteer Effort began in 1981 to aide those in the county who needed help with an electric bill, water bill, oil and even helping stranded travelers. The local organization implemented the program for those who didn’t meet the preset standards for government assistance.

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