Bulletin Date: August 16, 2015 4:00 am
An American Martyr: Jonathan Myrick Daniels, 1965
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Rector: The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
(BCP—Book of Common Prayer, H-Hymnal 1982; S Numbers are the service music found in the front of The Hymnal 1982; WLP-Wonder, Love and Praise)
LEVAS-Lift Every Voice and Sing II)
In the name of Christ, we welcome you to this Church. May those who sorrow find comfort; the weary, rest; the unhappy, joy; the troubled, peace; the stranger, friends; and to all the sense of God’s Presence in this holy place.
The Ringing of the Bell
Processional Hymn Tell out, my soul H 438
The Word of God
Opening Acclamation BCP 355
Hymn of Praise Rejoice, ye pure in heart! (Verses 1,4,5) H 556
The Collect of the Day Insert
Old Testament Proverbs 4:20-27
Psalm Psalm 85:7-13 Insert
Epistle Galatians 3:22-28
Sequence Hymn If you believe and I believe WLP 806
Gospel Luke 1:46-55
The Sermon The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
The Nicene Creed BCP 358
The Prayers of the People Insert
Confession of Sin BCP 360
The Peace BCP 360
Birthday and Anniversary Blessings BCP 830 #51/431
The Holy Communion
The Offertory
Eucharistic Prayer B BCP 367
Sanctus WLP 858
The Lord’s Prayer BCP 364
The Breaking of the Bread BCP 364
Fraction Anthem Christ our Passover S 155
The Communion of the People of God
Communion Hymn I, the Lord of sea and sky WLP 812
Post-Communion Prayer BCP 365
The Blessing
Closing Hymn Stand up, stand up, for Jesus H 561
Welcome to St. Peter’s! May God’s love be present with you in this place and bring you back often. Our communion bread is gluten free.
Today is the Diocesan-wide commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the martyrdom of Jonathan Myrick Daniels , who was gunned down in 1965 in Alabama as he protected a young black girl from a shotgun blast. Bishop Johnston has specifically requested that parishes observe this day on August 16th. Find more information online, particularly in the email newsletter for Sun., Aug. 16 ( http://churchsp.org/email20150816)
Today’s hymns— The opening hymn is a paraphrase of today’s gospel, The Magnificat, which provided inspiration to Jonathan Daniels as he worked for freedom and justice for all during the Civil Rights Movement. The hymn of praise calls us to rejoice as we go through life following the way of the cross. “If you believe and I believe,” a prayer of trust in God and hope for freedom, was sung by prisoners in South Africa during the days of apartheid. The communion hymn reflects on God’s call for each of us, and contains this particularly fitting phrase, “I will break their hearts of stone, Give them hearts for love alone.” The closing hymn is particularly fitting for Jonathan. He considered himself a “soldier of the cross” and did not shy away from the dangers he faced in the ministry to which God called him.
HELP NEEDED! This Wednesday, Aug. 19, is the day of the Village Harvest food distribution. Please help pack the bags for distribution, beginning at 2PM for the 3:30PM-5PM distribution.
Happy Birthday – Boyd Wisdom (Aug. 18), Jennifer Collins (Aug. 21), Nancy Wick (Aug. 22)
Happy Anniversary – Boyd and Barbara Wisdom (Aug. 17)
Save the Date – September 15, 2015. Our third annual concert features music from Spain — flamenco guitar music and dance at 7PM, preceded by tapas and sangria on the front lawn at PM, weather permitting.
———————————–This Week —————————————–
- Wed., Aug. 19, 3:30pm-5pm – Village Harvest distribution
- Sun., Aug. 23, 10:00am – Godly Play (preschool through 2nd grade)
- Sun., Aug. 23, 11:00am – Morning Prayer
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
823 Water Street PO Box 399, Port Royal, VA 22535
Website: www.churchsp.org Parish Office: (804) 742-5908
The Vestry
Roger Key, Senior Warden – (804)-241-5395
Johnny Davis, Junior Warden – (804) 742-5654
Laura Carey, Becky Fisher, Elizabeth Heimbach, Fred Pannell
Clarence Kunstmann, Treasurer & Elizabeth Heimbach, Registrar
Brad Volland – Music Director & Organist
The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks, Rector
(540) 809-7489, (540) 898-1586, stpetersrev@gmail.com
Christ Centered, Biblically Based, Spirit Filled, Caring
Prayer List
Nancy Wick, Stanley Fields, Dave Fannon, Virginia and Perry Bowen, Linda Upshaw, Crystal and Fred Pannell, Boyd and Barbara Wisdom, Myrtle Samuels, Peggy Roberts, John and Toni Faibisy, Vivian McDonald . Dylan Puryear (grandson of BJ Anderson) Sarah Pannell (daughter-in-law of the Pannells),Kim Martinez (friend of Odessa Davis), Buzz and Billie (friends of the Everetts), Bob Settle (friend of Barbara Wisdom), Margaret Billesimo (aunt of Chris Mercurio),Cindy Syndergaard (friend of Susan Tilt), Brittany, Greg and Caroline(family of Jim Anderson), Linda Dodson, Brenda Brent, Susan Walters (friends of Becky Fisher), Bernadine Nastasee (mother of Toni Faibisy), Mark Witt, Carol Whitcomb, (aunt of Becky Fisher), Lauri McGuire (sister of Charles McGuire), Mark Mallin (brother of Barbara Wisdom), Martie Sothoron Donavan, Beth Elkins (family and friend of the Segars) Towanda Simmons (daughter of Gladys Fortune) , Grayson Kirby, Rhonda Hicks (friend and family of the Davis family), Mark Dobronski (friend of the Wicks), Bill Upshaw, (family of Linda Upshaw), Leroy Fisher (grandfather of Chris Fisher), Bill White, Bobbye Canaday, (friends of the Hicks),Lit Woodard (Catherine Hicks’ uncle) Betty Lontz, (friend of Brad Volland), Gloria Jewell, Charles and Yvonne Johnson (friends of the Pannells, Laura Carey), Peter Sorensen, Chuck Beckman, Carolyn & Elizabeth Nelson, Jan and Jeff Ward (friends of the Newmans), Carrie Griffith (mother of Marilyn Newman), Butch and Carolyn Delhagen, Bob and Diane Creel(relatives of the Newmans),Russell Smith, Daniel Smith (brothers of Susan Linne von Berg),Eudora Heath, Albert Barnett, Morris Samuels, Patricia Edwards (family of Andrea Pogue) and PCRJ prisoners.
Passed into eternal life: Frank Nastasee (father of Toni Faibisy)
Serving in the Armed Forces
Christopher DeHart Gordon Devine Christopher Feliciano
Joseph George Steven Lee David Locklerr
Daniel Vanpike Greg Merkl Jeremy Stoddard
Jeff Woodard
An American Martyr
Jonathan Myrick Daniels
Aug. 16, 2015
Jonathan Myrick Daniels (1939-1965)
“Somebody must visit the sick, and the lonely, and the frightened, and the sorrowing. Somebody must comfort the discouraged, and argue lovingly and convincingly with the anguished doubter. Somebody must remind the sick soul that healing is within his grasp and urge him to take the medicine when his disease seems more attractive. Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send ? And who will go for us?’ Then said I, ‘Here am I. Send me.’ " –Jonathan M. Daniels – Sermon St. James Episcopal, Keene, NH
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church