Feast of the Epiphany, Jan. 6, 2014

Title:Feast of the Epiphany, Jan. 6, 2014

Bulletin Date: January 6, 2014 5:00 am

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The Feast of the Epiphany

Holy Eucharist, Rite I

Priest-in-Charge:  The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks

(BCP—Book of Common Prayer, H-Hymnal 1982) 
In the name of Christ, we welcome you to this Church.  May those who sorrow find comfort; the weary, rest; the unhappy, joy; the troubled, peace; the stranger, friends; and to all the sense of God’s Presence in this holy place.


The church is in darkness and the service begins in silence.


Tolling of the bell


Priest:  Light and peace, in Jesus Christ our Lord.

People:  Thanks be to God.



Arise, shine; for your light has come,

And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.

For darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples;

But the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will appear over you.

Nations shall come to your light,

And kings to the brightness of your dawn.  (Isaiah 60:1-3)



Almighty God, we give you thanks for surrounding us, as daylight fades, with the brightness of the vesper light; and we implore you of your great mercy that, as you enfold us with the radiance of this light, so you would shine into our hearts the brightness of your Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


Lighting of the candles

The First Nowell                                                                      H 109


Priest:    The Lord be with you.

People:  And also with you.

Priest:    Let us pray.


O God, by the leading of a star you manifested your only Son to the peoples of the earth:  Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may see your glory face to face; through Jesus  

Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen

First Reading                     Isaiah 60:1-6

Psalm                                Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14                       BCP 685

Second Reading                  Ephesians 3:1-12


Sequence Hymn                 What star is this                                 H 124


The Gospel                        Matthew 2:1-12                                         


Homily                                                      The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks


Nicene Creed                                                                         BCP 326


The Prayers of the People                                                              Back


The Confession of Sin                                                             BCP 331


The Peace                                                                              BCP 332


The Holy Communion

The Offertory                     We three kings of Orient are

                        Marilyn Newman, Harp; Mike Newman, soloist


Eucharistic Prayer 3 (from Enriching our Worship)                        Insert

Sanctus                                                                                      S 125

The Lord’s Prayer                                                                   BCP 336

 The Breaking of the Bread                                                        BCP 337

The Communion of the People of God

Communion Hymn             What child is this                                 H 115

Post Communion Prayer                                                           BCP 339

The Blessing

Closing Hymn                    As With gladness men of old                 H 119

Dismissal and Postlude        Brightest and best
Marilyn Newman, Harp





Prayers of the People        


Lord Jesus, stay with us, for the darkness is at hand, and the day is past; be our light along the way, kindle our hearts and awaken our hope, that we may know you as you are revealed in scripture and in the breaking of the bread.  Grant that we may be witnesses to your light for the sake of your love.  Amen. 

We pray that as the people of God, called together to be the church, we may be witnesses to your light and love to a world that waits in darkness.  Amen.

We pray for our nation, divided by distrust and suspicion of one another.  We pray that the light of your love will lead us toward understanding, tolerance and love for one another, so that we can be a people at peace among ourselves and a blessing to the other nations of the earth.  Amen.   

We pray for those among us who are ill, those among us who are suffering from depression, those among us who are suffering from grief, those among us who are suffering from addiction, those among us who are dying.  We pray that we may be witnesses to them of your healing light and love.  Amen. 

We pray for those serving in our military, that they may have the light of Your way ever in front of them as they enter into the darkness of battle and conflict.  Amen.

We pray for those who have died, that they come to dwell in the joy of your eternal light and life.  Amen. 

God of light, hear the prayers of your people, offered either silently or aloud.

O God, the source of eternal light:  send your unending light upon us who watch for you, that together we may sing your praises, and that our lives may reflect your light.  Be our light in the darkness, O Lord, and in your great mercy defend us from the darkness of this night, through the love of your Son, the true light that has come into the world. Amen.


The Feast of EPIPHANY

January 6, 2014


Epiphany service Jan 6, 2014


ST. Peter’s Episcopal Church

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