Bulletin Date: April 28, 2013 4:00 am
5th Sunday in Easter
Morning Prayer, Rite II, 11 AM
April 28, 2013
Priest-in-Charge: The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
(BCP—Book of Common Prayer, H-Hymnal 1982; S Numbers are the service music found in the front of The Hymnal 1982; WLP-Wonder, Love and Praise, LEVAS-Lift Every Voice and Sing II)
As you enter this sacred space that has been set aside for time with God, join us in silence as we go to God in prayer.
The Ringing of the Bell
Prelude Of the Father’s Love Begotten Choir
Opening Hymn Love divine, all loves excelling H 657
Opening Verse BCP 78
Confession of Sin BCP 79
The Invitatory and Psalter BCP 80
The Venite S 35
The Appointed Psalm Psalm 148 Insert
The Lessons
First Lesson Acts 11:1-18
Canticle 12 A Song of Creation BCP 88
Second Lesson Revelation 21:1-6
Canticle 13 A Song of Praise BCP 90
The Gospel John 13:31-35
The Sermon The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
The Apostles’ Creed BCP 96
Birthday and Anniversary Blessings BCP 830, #51; 431
Offertory To God be the glory Insert
The Prayers BCP 97
Suffrages A BCP 97
Collect for the Fifth Sunday After Easter Insert
A Litany of Thanksgiving BCP 836
A General Thanksgiving BCP 836
Closing Hymn Glorious things of Thee are spoken H 522
Concluding Verse
Glory to God whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine: Glory to him from generation to generation in the Church, and in Christ Jesus forever and ever. Amen.
Welcome to St Peter’s! Our hope is that you will find God’s love present with you in this place and that you will return here often.
Our communion bread is gluten free.
Thank you! Our parish has donated a total of $1,320 to the Haiti toilet project! Way to go! The project is still accepting donations.
This Sunday, April 28th, Christ Church in Glen Allen, VA, will once again host Building Futures, a fundraiser for the Hope and Resurrection School in the South Sudan. The Fishers will be attending this event. If you’d like to know more, please see Becky. If you’d like to make a donation, you may send your gift with Becky, donate online at hopeforhumanity.org, or send a check to Hope for Humanity, Inc. PO Box 29117, Richmond, VA, 23242.
May 2nd, National Day of Prayer. 7pm Evening Service Shiloh Baptist, Fredericksburg. Guest Speaker: Rev. Lawrence A. Davies (Pastor Emeritus: Shiloh Baptist Church & former mayor of Fredericksburg). The day was created by Pres. Truman in 1952, to communicate with every individual the need for personal repentance and prayer and to mobilize the Christian community. More information churchsp.org
2ND ANNUAL “SHRED IT” EVENT, MAY 10, 4pm-5pm. This is a ministry fundraiser. Use this occasion to clear out old file cabinets, boxes, folders and envelopes containing pay stubs, tax records, bank statements and receipts that have amassed over time. Suggested donation $5 per bag.
Region One Notes, meeting April 24 – focus on mission with 3 speakers – 1. Rev. Brian Turner ( Trinity Episcopal), Hurricane Sandy relief. 2. Ashley Cameron, future missioner to the Philippines 3. Carey Chirico (St. George’s and Buck Blanchard (Diocese), the Congo. Region One provided $1,000 support for missions and $1,000 to St. John’s for earthquake recovery. More information churchsp.org
Happy Birthday – Barbara Segar (April 28), Holly Davis (April 30), Stanley Fields (May 1), Hugh D’Aguilar (May 2), the Rev Karen Woodruff (May 4).
———————————–This Week ————————————–
· Tues., April 30, 9am – Vestry Retreat
· Wed., May 1, 10am – Midweek Bible Study
· Wed., May 1, 5:00pm – Village Dinner
· Thurs, May 2, 6:30pm – Peumansend Creek Regional Jail Bible Study
· Thurs, May 2, 7pm – National Day of Prayer Service – Shiloh Baptist, Fredericksburg
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
823 Water Street PO Box 399, Port Royal, VA 22535
Website: www.churchsp.org Parish Office: (804) 742-5908
The Vestry
Eunice Key, Senior Warden – (804)-241-5395
Cookie Davis, Junior Warden – (804) 742-5654
Laura Carey, Cynthia Fields, Fred Pannell, Boyd Wisdom
Clarence Kunstmann, Treasurer & Elizabeth Heimbach Registrar
Brad Volland – Music Director & Organist
The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks, Priest- in- Charge
(540) 809-7489, (540) 898-1586, stpetersrev@gmail.com
Christ Centered, Biblically Based, Spirit Filled, Caring
Prayer List
Oliver Fortune, Toni Fabisy, Brad Volland, Boyd Wisdom, Vivian McDonald, Susan Linne von Berg, John and Sylvia Sellars, Shaun (requesting prayers for himself from our St Peter’s community)
Lola Delbridge, (Mother of Catherine Hicks), Jeff Barlowe, (Brother-in-law of Eunice Key), Michael Scott (grandson of Rob and Marcia Dobson), Carlos Rivera (Uncle of Marion Mahoney’s Daughter-in-law), James Kay (father of Mary Ann Betchy), Logan Deeds (friend of Terri Harrison) , Maureen Butler and family, Jon Dephouse, Kathryn Hill (friends of Catherine Hicks), Tracy Houck, Nancy Hartwick, Helen Ferree, Cathy Mercurio, Roland Richards, Vicki Lewis and Ann Cooper (friends of Brad Volland), Gloria Jewell and Lute Smith, Charles and Yvonne Johnson (friends of the Pannells and Laura Carey) , Jeff, Carolyn & Elizabeth Nelson, Loretta Harich, Carole Morehead (friends of the Newmans), Kelly Paterino (daughter of the Wisdoms), Annette McDonald (friend of Cookie Davis), Leilani Oldham (relative of Mike and Marilyn Newman), Marjorie Gilliland (mother of John Gilliland), Steven Fox ( husband of our nursery worker, Judy Fox), David Watson (uncle of Ruth TenHoven), Bernie and Doyle (friends of Ruth TenHoven), Russell Smith, Daniel Smith (brothers of Susan Linne von Berg), Eudora Heath, Harold Whitfield (extended family of Laura Carey), Albert Barnett (uncle of Andrea Pogue), Kay Bodeen , Kathi Coles (sister-in-law and daughter of Clarence and Betty Kunstmann), Carrie Griffith (mother of Marilyn Newman), Butch and Carolyn Delhagen (sister of Mike Newman & brother-in-law of the Newmans), Jessica Machuga (granddaughter of Millie Muhly), Dorine Righman (sister of BJ Anderson)
Serving in the Armed Forces
Alexander Long V Gordon Devine Jeffrey Woodard
David Locklerr Daniel Vanpike Joseph George
Collin Stoddard Steven Lee
FIFTH Sunday in EASTER April 28, 2013
“At the last supper, when Judas had gone out, Jesus said, "Now the Son of Man has been glorified, and God has been glorified in him. If God has been glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself and will glorify him at once. Little children, I am with you only a little longer. You will look for me; and as I said to the Jews so now I say to you, ‘Where I am going, you cannot come.’ – John 13:31-33
ST. Peter’s Episcopal Church