Bulletin Date: December 2, 2012 5:00 am
First Sunday of Advent, Year C
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Priest-in-Charge: The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
(BCP—Book of Common Prayer, H-Hymnal 1982; S Numbers are the service music found in the front of The Hymnal 1982; WLP-Wonder, Love and Praise)
LEVAS-Lift Every Voice and Sing II)
As you enter this sacred space that has been set aside for time with God, join us in silence as we go to God in prayer.
Prelude While we are waiting, come Choir
The Ringing of the Bell
Processional Hymn Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding H 59
Blessing of the Advent Wreath and lighting of the candle
The Word of God
Opening Acclamation BCP 355
Kyrie S 96
The Collect of the Day Insert
First Reading Jeremiah 33:14-16
Psalm Psalm 25:1-9 BCP 722
Epistle 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
Sequence Hymn Jesus came, adored by angels H 454
The Gospel Luke 21:25-36
The Sermon The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
The Nicene Creed BCP 358
The Prayers of the People, Form V BCP 389
The Confession of Sin BCP 360
The Peace
Birthday and Anniversary Blessings BCP 830 #51/431
The Offertory How bright appears the morning star Choir
The Holy Communion
Eucharistic Prayer 2 from Enriching our Worship
Sanctus S 125
The Lord’s Prayer BCP 364
The Breaking of the Bread BCP 364
Fraction Anthem LEVAS 270
The Communion of the People of God
Communion Hymn Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor H 307
Post-Communion Prayer BCP 365
The Blessing
Closing Hymn Signs of endings all around us WLP 721
Dismissal and Postlude
Welcome to St Peter’s! Our hope is that you will find God’s love present with you in this place and that you will return here often.
Our communion bread is gluten free.
Please join us for Coffee Hour in Fall Hall after this service.
Today!!!! Potluck Supper at the Everett’s today at 5:00pm. Fellowship and a chance to see their amazing Christmas decorations. Their address is 17186 Cherwood Pond Ln, King George. Take the first right after you cross the river, and then an immediate right onto Cherwood Pond Lane.
A new Advent Wreath! Thanks to two very generous donors who wish to remain anonymous, we have been blessed with a lovely new freestanding brass advent wreath, which we will dedicate today as we offer Thanksgivings for this beautiful gift that will enrich our Advent worship.
About our Sequence Hymn—Jesus came adored by angels–The beautiful hymn tune Lowry is a composition of Gerald Near, one of the finest current composers of church music writing today. The gentle and rather wistful tune is especially appropriate for the Advent season. Godrey Thring, a British priest and author of many hymn texts wrote the text for this hymn in 1864.
About our Eucharistic Prayer for Advent—Our Eucharistic Prayer during Advent will be Eucharistic Prayer 2 from Enriching our Worship 1. This Eucharistic Prayer contains the following mention of Mary. “You looked with favor upon Mary, your willing servant, that she might conceive and bear a son, Jesus the holy child of God,” lines particularly fitting for Advent.
Fall UTO Ingathering – Boxes are due this Sunday
A Mission Team departs today for Staten Island to help the Moravians sort through clothes in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Catherine will be returning on Wednesday, and Roger and his helpers will be back on Friday. Please keep this group in your prayers.
Happy Birthday! Carolyn Duke (Dec. 6th), Terry Collins, Laura Long (Dec. 8th).
Online Advent Calendar, Readings, Traditions, and music are at churchsp.org for Advent 1 and 2.
——————————- Week of Dec. 2———————————-
· Wed., Dec. 5th, 10am – Ecumenical Bible Study
· Wed., Dec. 5th, 5pm – Village Dinner (Pot Roast w/carrots, potatoes)
· Thurs., Dec. 6th , 6:30pm – Peumansend Creek Regional Jail Bible Study
· Sat. Dec. 8, 10:00am – Choir Retreat and Luncheon
· Sat. Dec. 8, 10:30am – Native American Day – Pamunkey Reservation
——————————– Sunday, Dec. 9———————————–
Donations of non-perishable foods for the Caroline County Food Pantry are greatly appreciated. Let’s fill the basket on the front porch full of food every Sunday during Advent (Dec. 9, 16, 23)
Canned fruits and vegetables |
Spaghetti or other sorts of pasta |
Boxes of stuffing mix |
Spaghetti sauce |
Canned yams |
Rice |
Jars of gravy |
Peanut butter |
Cranberry sauce |
Baked beans |
Candy canes |
Baked beans |
Canned soups |
Brownie or cake mixes |
Tuna fish or other canned meat |
Christian Education, Sunday, Dec. 16, 9:45am:
Handel’s Messiah Part 2 –“Who May Abide the Day of His Coming?”
Poinsettia for Dec. 23 and Christmas Eve – A native flower of Central America, this flower was brought to America by our first diplomatic minister to Mexico, Dr. Joel Poinsett. A Mexican legend tells of a poor girl who, with no gift to offer Mary, picked some flowering weeds along the roadside. The moment she placed them before the Virgin’s statue, they turned into brilliant poinsettia blossoms. If you like to donate a poinsettia for Christmas, the cost is $10. Please include a separate check to St. Peter’s with poinsettia in the memo line. Deadline Sunday, Dec. 16
Christmas family
Social Services has let us know that a family in Port Royal, with two children, a ten year old and an eighteen month old, needs help this Christmas. Take a tag from the Christmas Tree, purchase the gift, and return the gift to church, wrapped and with the tag attached, by Sun., December 16th.
The Christmas pageant will be Dec. 23, 2012 as part of the 11am service. If you would to participate see Catherine by Dec. 9.
——————————- Week of Dec. 9———————————-
Evening ECW, Dec. 12, 4pm
Community Dinner and Tree Lighting. TBA the last of the Community Dinners at the Firehouse followed by a tree lighting
——————————– Sunday, Dec. 16——————————–
Bring non-perishable food to the Church
Christian Education Sunday, Dec. 16, 9:45am:
Handel’s Messiah Part 3 –“For Unto Us a Child is Born”
Christmas family
Return the gift to church, wrapped and with the tag attached, by Sunday, December 16th.
Christmas candy for Peumansend Creek Regional Jail. Your donations of hard candy, individually wrapped, and small plastic snack bags would be greatly appreciated. The Evening ECW and the youth will put the bags of candy together and deliver them to the jail. Deadline Dec. 17, 2012
Poinsettia for Dec. 23 and Christmas Eve – Deadline Sunday, Dec. 16
——————————- Week of Dec. 16——————————–
ECW Luncheon at Hobbs Hole, Dec. 19, 12:30pm
——————————– Sunday, Dec. 23———————————
Bring non-perishable food to the Church
Christian Education Sunday, Dec. 23, 9:45am:
Handel’s Messiah Part 4 –“Glory to God in the Highest”
Christmas Pageant, 11am
——————————- Monday, Dec. 24———————————
Christmas Eve service, 5pm
——————————– Sunday, Dec. 30———————————
Christian Ed will not meet
Lessons and Carols, 11am
The Blessing of the Advent Wreath
Before the throne burn seven lamps of fire, which are the seven spirits of God.
Lord, you are my lamp:
My God, you make my darkness bright.
Let us pray. (Silence)
O heavenly Father, who in the Revelation to John revealed to us the vision of your Son in the midst of the candlesticks, and of your Spirit in seven lamps of fire before your throne: Grant that the lights of this Advent wreath be kindled for your glory, may be to us a sign of your presence and the promise of eternal light; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
O God, by whose light all things will be revealed, pour forth your blessing upon this wreath. May the light that shines forth from its light illumine our way as we journey toward Christmas; may its light illumine our lives as we wait in hope for the birth of the Christ-child. Grant that we who use it may prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ and may receive from You abundant graces. Through Christ our Lord, who is the light of the world. Amen.
The Lighting of the Advent Wreath
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Let us pray.
Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal, through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
To you O Lord we bring our lives
Troubled, broken or at ease
A sacrificial offering
For you to use
Take away our selfishness
Teach us to love as you loved
Take away our sense of pride
Show us the meaning of humility
Take away our blindness
Show us the world through you’re the light of your eyes
Take away our greed
Teach us how to give as you gave
Show your ways
Teach us your paths
That we might walk with you more closely
Our hands in your hand
Our feet in your footsteps
From a dimly lit stable
To the everlasting light of eternity, Amen
The first candle on the Advent wreath is lit.
(The litany is based on a poem by John Birch, a Welch poet, Methodist lay preacher and worship leader.)
The first clear references to the Season of Advent in the west come from the last half of the 6th Century. As early as the Middle Ages, Christians used this fire/light symbolism to represent Christ’s coming into the world. Then it became the basis for the Advent wreath, a sign of the waiting and hopeful expectation of the return in glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. The wheel represented the eternal victory over death through Jesus Christ. The evergreens were a sign of the faithfulness of God to his people, even in death, and the lighted candles a reminder of the light of Christ brought into the world.
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
823 Water Street PO Box 399, Port Royal, VA 22535
Website: www.churchsp.org Parish Office: (804) 742-5908
The Vestry
Linda Beck, Senior Warden – (804) 742-5056
Cookie Davis, Junior Warden (804) 742-5654
Cookie Davis, Cynthia Fields, Terri Harrison, Eunice Key, Boyd Wisdom
Clarence Kunstmann, Treasurer & Terri Harrison, Registrar
Brad Volland – Music Director & Organist
The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks, Priest- in- Charge
(540) 809-7489, (540) 898-1586, stpetersrev@gmail.com
Christ Centered, Biblically Based, Spirit Filled, Caring
Prayer List
Bill Carpenter, Cindy Fields, Toni Fabisy, Brad Volland, Boyd Wisdom, Vivian McDonald, Susan Linne von Berg, John and Sylvia Sellars, Shaun (requesting prayers for himself from our St Peter’s community)
Kelly Paterino (daughter of the Wisdoms), Helen and Harry Ferree (friends of Brad Volland), Annette McDonald (friend of Cookie Davis), Leilani Oldham (relative of Mike and Marilyn Newman), Marjorie Gilliland (mother of John Gilliland), Jon Dephouse (friend of Catherine Hicks), Steven Fox ( husband of our nursery worker, Judy Fox), David Watson (uncle of Ruth TenHoven), Bernie and Doyle (friends of Ruth TenHoven), Cathy Mercurio, Roland Richards, Ann Cooper (friends of Brad Volland), Russell Smith, Daniel Smith (brothers of Susan Linne von Berg), Jim Hedlund (friend of Nancy and Bill Wick), Leslie Hubble, Ally Harrison (niece and cousin of Nancy Long), Eudora Heath, Harold Whitfield (extended family of Laura Carey), Charles and Yvonne Johnson (friends of Laura Carey), Albert Barnett (uncle of Andrea Pogue), Kay Bodeen , Kathi Coles (sister-in-law and daughter of Clarence and Betty Kunstmann), Carrie Griffith (mother of Marilyn Newman), Loretta Harich, Carole Morehead (friends of Marilyn Newman), Butch and Carolyn Delhagen (sister of Mike Newman and brother-in-law of the Newmans), Jessica Machuga (granddaughter of Millie Muhly), Dorine Righman (sister of BJ Anderson), Alice Woodard (aunt of Catherine Hicks), Elizabeth Hicks (daughter of Ben and Catherine Hicks)
Serving in the Armed Forces
Alexander Long V Gordon Devine Jeffrey Woodard
David Locklerr Daniel Vanpike Joseph George
Collin Stoddard Jeremy Stoddard
Serving Next Sunday
Lector: H. Linne von Berg LEM: C. Pannell Acolyte: E. Heimbach Gospel Bearer: K. Fisher Greeters: F. Pannell, B. Wisdom Elements: D & L. Beck
First Sunday of ADVENT
December 2, 2012
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." – Luke 21:33
ST. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Port Royal, VA