Bulletin Date: September 16, 2012 4:00 am
The Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Holy Eucharist, Rite II, 11AM
Priest-in-Charge: The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
(BCP—Book of Common Prayer, H-Hymnal 1982; S Numbers are the service music found in the front of The Hymnal 1982; WLP-Wonder, Love and Praise, LEVAS-Lift Every Voice and Sing II)
As you enter this sacred space that has been set aside for time with God, join us in silence as we go to God in prayer.
Prelude “Elevation” Dubois
The Ringing of the Bell
Processional Hymn A Mighty Fortress is our God H 688
The Word of God
Opening Acclamation BCP 355
Hymn of Praise Glory to God S 280
The Collect of the Day Insert
First Reading Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm Psalm 116:1-8 BCP 759
Epistle James 3:1-12
Sequence Hymn Take up Your Cross H 675
The Gospel Mark 8:27-38
The Sermon The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
The Nicene Creed BCP 358
The Prayers of the People Insert
Confession of Sin BCP 360
The Peace BCP 360
Birthday and Anniversary Blessings BCP 830 #51/431
The Offertory O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded St Peter’s Choir
The Holy Communion
Eucharistic Prayer A BCP 361
Sanctus WLP 858
The Lord’s Prayer BCP 364
The Breaking of the Bread BCP 364
Fraction Anthem Lamb of God LEVAS 270
The Communion of the People of God
Communion Hymn Strengthen for Service, Lord H 312
Post Communion Prayer BCP 365
The Blessing
Closing Hymn In the Cross of Christ I Glory H 441
Welcome to St Peter’s! Our hope is that you will find God’s love present with you in this place and that you will return here often.
Happy Birthday! Myrtle Samuels (Sept. 15), Kenneth Allwine (Sept. 17), Tom Seger, Catherine Hicks (Sept. 20), James Upshaw, Trenton Schnakenberg (Sept. 21),
Today at 5pm is “Gospel on the Rivah”, Reynolds Pavilion, Portobago Bay. Be sure and contact Marion Mahoney on the food you will bring.
National Acolyte Festival, Sat Oct. 6 . We would like to take acolytes to this festival so that they can participate in workshops, meet acolytes from across the nation and have a chance to worship in the Cathedral.
->Signup is by this Friday, September 21 – See Catherine. Their cost is $21, bring your own lunch. We have discretionary money available.
Flowers and Fellowship at Vauter’s Episcopal Church, Next Saturday, Sept.22, 9:15 to noon. The $15 tickets include refreshments and a presentation by floral designer David Pippin. Contact Danna Dickinson at (804) 443-2304 to make reservations or for more information.
Christian Education continues next Sunday, September 23, 9:45am:
1. Youth and Children – Becky Fisher is teaching a class for 7-11year olds upstairs in Fall Hall, and Catherine Hicks is meeting in her study with those in our parish who are ages 2-6.
2. Adult and Teens – Watching and discussing Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years by Diarmaid MacCulloch. “Catholicism: Part 1”. Transcripts of the videos are online at churchsp.org/adulted.
Day to Serve, Sat., Sept. 29. See daytoserve.org. We will be collecting food on today and Sunday Sept. 23, 2012. This is a coordinated drive through Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia and DC to restock food banks. The food we collect will go to the Caroline County food pantry.
Evening Prayer, Sun., Sept. 30, 5pm. Virginia Bowen’s home, 16294 Oaken Brow Lane, Jersey, VA
—————————————-This Week ————————————–
· Sun., Sept. 16, 12pm – Vestry
· Sun., Sept. 16, 5pm – Gospel on the River
· Wed., Sept. 19 , 10am – Ecumenical Bible Study
· Wed., Sept. 19 , 2pm – ECW
· Wed., Sept. 19 , 4:45pm – Children’s program
· Fri., Sept 21 – Signup by this date for National Acolyte Festival
· Sat., Sept. 22 , 9:15am – Flowers and Fellowship at Vauters
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
828 Water Street
PO Box 399, Port Royal, VA 22535
Website: www.churchsp.org
Parish Office: (804) 742-5908
The Vestry
Linda Beck, Senior Warden – (804) 742-5056
Cookie Davis, Junior Warden (804) 742-5654
Carolyn Davis, Cynthia Fields, Terri Harrison, Eunice Key, Boyd Wisdom
Clarence Kunstmann, Treasurer & Terri Harrison, Registrar
Brad Volland – Music Director & Organist
The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks, Priest- in- Charge
(540) 809-7489, (540) 898-1586, stpetersrev@gmail.com
Christ Centered, Biblically Based, Spirit Filled, Caring
Prayer List
C. W. |
Roland Richards |
Lucy Ruybal |
Heather Devers |
Brad Volland |
The Kinsey Family |
Denise Bradford |
Mary Ann Gawalt |
John and Sylvia Sellars |
Danny Chaffin |
Jeremiah Butler |
Joyce Makey |
David Watson |
Steve Fox |
Carrie Griffith |
Carole Morehead |
Ronnie DeLisle |
Butch & Caroline Delhagen |
Charles & Yvonne Johnson |
Vivian McDonald |
Zach |
Wesley Berry |
Loretta Harich |
Ally Harrison |
Harold Whitfield, Sr |
Leslie Hubble |
Walter Campbell |
Eudora Heath |
Alice Ennis |
Paula Dertou |
Boyd Wisdom |
Alice Woodard |
Jean Woomer |
Martha Oldham |
Charlene Schnakenberg |
Betty and Greg Yarbrough |
Bud & Cathy Mercurio |
Wanda Haney |
Jessica Machuga |
Albert Barnett |
Dorine Righman |
Susan Linne von Berg |
Kay Bodeen |
Jim Hedlund |
Russell Smith |
Daniel Smith |
Serving in the Armed Forces
Alexander Long V |
Gordon Devine |
Jeffrey Woodard |
David Locklerr |
Daniel Vanpike |
Joseph George |
Collin Stoddard |
Jeremy Stoddard |
Serving Next Sunday
Lector: H. Linne von berg LEM: L. Carey Acolyte: T. Fisher
Gospel :T. Carter Greeters: Jim, BJ Anderson
Elements: M.Muhly, B. Hicks
sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost
september 16, 2012
“Christ Carrying the Cross” – Lorenzo Lotto (1526)
“Then he began to teach them that the Son of Man must undergo great suffering, and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.”- Mark 8:31
ST. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Port Royal, VA