Bulletin Date: April 5, 2012 4:00 am
Maundy Thursday
April 5, 2012 – 7PM
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Priest-in-Charge: The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
(BCP—Book of Common Prayer, S Numbers are the service music found in the front of The Hymnal 1982; WLP-Wonder, Love and Praise)
When you enter these doors, you enter sacred space that has been set aside for God. Before the service, please join us in silence as we meditate on God.
Prelude Cyndee’s Farewell Marilyn Newman, Harp
Processional Hymn What Wondrous Love is This H 439
Opening Acclamation BCP 355
Trisagion S 102
Maundy Thursday Collect
The Word of God
First reading Exodus 12:1-14
Psalm Psalm 116:1, 10-17 BCP 759
Epistle 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
Sequence Hymn Jesu, Jesu, Fill us with your Love H 602
Gospel John 13:1-17, 31b-35
Sermon The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
The Nicene Creed BCP 358
The Prayers of the People
Confession of Sin BCP 360
The Peace
The Offertory Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring JS Bach
The Holy Communion
Eucharistic Prayer B BCP 367
The Breaking of the Bread
Lamb of God LEVAS 270
Communion of the People of God
Communion Hymn In Remembrance of Me LEVAS 149
Post Communion Prayer BCP 365
Psalm 22 BCP 610
Stripping of the Altar
Hymn during stripping of the Altar Stay with Me WLP 826
All leave in silence
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday marks the beginning of the Triduum, the last three days of Holy Week, in which our worship flows in one continuous liturgy, beginning with the Maundy Thursday service. “Time is suspended as we ponder and celebrate the great mysteries of our redemption.”
The observance of the Triduum begins on Maundy Thursday. The word “Maundy” is derived from Middle English, Old French and from the Latin word mandatum, meaning “commandment,” the first word of the phrase “Mandatum novum do vobis ut diligatis invicem sicut dilexi vos” (“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another, as I have loved you”), the statement we hear from Jesus to his disciples in tonight’s gospel reading.
Dennis Michno explains that this service “initiates a time of watching, waiting and contemplating, as we enter into the commemoration of the mystery of our redemption. The gift of love in the Sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood is the focus; the demonstration of self-giving in the washing of feet is a fitting symbol; the watch through the night and the continuations of this liturgy in that of Good Friday is the timelessness of silence, the silence of God.”
We thank Marilyn Newman for the gift of her harp music tonight.
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
828 Water Street
PO Box 399, Port Royal, VA 22535
Website: www.churchsp.org
Parish Office: (804) 742-5908
The Vestry
Linda Beck, Senior Warden – (804) 742-5056
Cookie Davis, Junior Warden (804) 742-5654
Carolyn Davis, Cynthia Fields, Terri Harrison, Eunice Key, Boyd Wisdom
Clarence Kunstmann, Treasurer & Terri Harrison, Registrar
Brad Volland – Music Director & Organist
The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks, Priest- in- Charge
(540) 809-7489, (540) 898-1586, stpetersrev@gmail.com
Christ Centered, Biblically Based, Spirit Filled, Caring
Prayer List
C. W. |
Roland Richards |
Lucy Ruybal |
Mae Carter |
Brad Volland |
Kelly and Scott Kinsey |
Denise Bradford |
Mary Ann Gawalt |
John and Sylvia Sellars |
Danny Chaffin |
Jeremiah Butler |
Joyce Makey |
David Watson |
Steve Fox |
Carrie Griffith |
Carole Morehead |
Ethel Shook |
Butch & Caroline Delhagen |
Charles & Yvonne Johnson |
Vivian McDonald |
Zach |
Wesley Berry |
Harold Whitfield, Sr. |
Loretta Harich |
Walter Campbell |
Eudora Heath |
Alice Ennis |
Paula Dertou |
Boyd Wisdom |
Alice Woodard |
Jean Woomer |
Martha Oldham |
Charlene Schnakenberg |
Shirley Walker |
Anna Rimmer |
Kenneth Whitescarver |
Pam Horkan |
Betty Lou Braden |
Serving in the Armed Forces
Alexander Long V |
Gordon Devine |
John Wall V |
David Locklerr |
Daniel Vanpike |
Jeffrey Woodard |
Collin Stoddard |
Jeremy Stoddard |
Joseph George |
Maundy Thursday
April 5, 2012
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Port Royal, VA