Bulletin Date: September 11, 2011 4:00 am
13th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A
Proper 19
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Priest-in-Charge: The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
(BCP—Book of Common Prayer, H-Hymnal 1982; S Numbers are the service music found in the front of The Hymnal 1982; WLP-Wonder, Love and Praise, LEVAS-Lift Every Voice and Sing II)
As you enter this sacred space that has been set aside for time with God, join us in silence as we go to God in prayer.
Prelude “O Help Me, Lord, to Praise Thee” J. S Bach
The Ringing of the Bell
Processional Hymn Dear Lord and Father of Mankind H652
The Word of God
Opening Acclamation BCP 355
Collect for Purity BCP 355
Song of Praise Glory to God in the Highest S280
Collect for Proper 19 Insert
First Reading Genesis 50:15-21
Psalm 103:1-13 BCP 733
Second Reading Romans 14:1-12
Sequence Hymn Heal Me, Hands of Jesus WLP 773
The Gospel Matthew 18:21-35
The Sermon The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
The Nicene Creed BCP 358
The Prayers of the People Insert
The Confession of Sin BCP 360
The Peace
Birthday and Anniversary Blessings BCP 830 #51/431
The Holy Communion
The Offertory It is Well with my Soul St Peter’s Choir
Eucharistic Prayer A BCP 361
Sanctus S130
The Lord’s Prayer BCP 364
The Breaking of the Bread BCP 364
The Communion of the People of God
Communion Hymn My Faith Looks up to Thee H691
Post-Communion Prayer Insert
The Blessing
Closing Hymn O Master Let me Walk with Thee H660
Welcome to St Peter’s! Our hope is that you will find God’s love present with you in this place and that you will return here often to worship.
Christian Ed classes for both children and adults meet at 10AM in the Parish House. The curriculum is “Living the Good News” for both children and adults and is based on the Lectionary. You can join the discussion at any time and not feel “behind” since the Lectionary changes weekly.
Please remember to bring canned goods and other non-perishable food for those in need here in Caroline County. Fred Pannell delivers all donated food to Caroline County Social Services for those who are in need. A basket is also in the back pew for donations of pet food for those who are having financial difficulty in caring for their pets. You may place any donations for the military in the basket provided.
Reach out to inmates in the Peumansend Creek Regional Jail by serving as a volunteer to help lead a Bible study. Volunteers for this program would need to attend one training session at the jail and would have a background check. Volunteers are not expected to attend Bible study session at the jail. If you are interested in becoming part of this program or would like more information please contact Laurel Ameen at (540) 809 – 2375 or email at lamee2cl@gmail.com.
Discretionary Fund—The loose offering today goes to the Discretionary Fund. Catherine uses the money in this fund to help people in need in our community. Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.
Happy Anniversary! Fred and Crystal Pannell (Sept. 13th) Happy Birthday! Kenneth Allwine (Sept. 17th) .
Steadfast Love/Remembering 9-11 –7:30PM tonight—here at St Peter’s. St Asaph’s will be joining us as we remember the events of 9-11-2001. Through scripture, prayer and song, we will reflect on how God’s steadfast love has been present with us in the ten years that have passed since that day. Please plan to attend.
The Evening ECW meets September 12th at 7pm.
Vestry meets September 13th at 7pm.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study continues on September 14th at 10am.
ECM Breakfast at Horne’s, Saturday, September 17th, 8:30am.
“Gospel on the Rivah” at Portobago Bay, Saturday, September 17th ,
4 :00pm.
Book Group reading “The Devout Life, September 26th 7:00pm.
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
828 Water Street
PO Box 399, Port Royal, VA 22535
Website: www.churchsp.org
Parish Office: (804) 742-5908
The Vestry
Linda Beck, Senior Warden –(804) 742-5056
Liz Heimbach , Junior Warden – (804) 742-5543
Bill Smith, Terri Harrison, Carolyn Davis, Eunice Key
Clarence Kunstmann, Treasurer & Terri Harrison, Registrar
Brad Volland – Music Director & Organist
Webmaster – Ben Hicks
The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks, Priest- in- Charge
(540) 809-7489, (540) 898-1586, stpetersrev@gmail.com
Christ Centered, Biblically Based, Spirit Filled, Caring
Prayer List
Lisa Kincaid |
Bud and Cathy Mercurio |
C. W. |
Donald and Joan Pichette |
Brad Volland |
Marilyn Washington |
Johnny Davis |
Mary Ann Gawalt |
John and Sylvia Sellers |
Danny Chaffin |
Jeremiah Butler |
Joyce Makey |
David Watson |
Julia Acors |
Carrie Griffith |
Carole Morehead |
Ethel Shook |
Butch & Caroline Delhagen |
Yvonne Johnson |
Vivian McDonald |
Zach |
Wesley Berry |
Harold Whitfield, Sr. |
Brenda Latham |
Walter Campbell |
Tolsey Castles |
Spencer Dorsey |
George Davis |
Bernie and Doyle |
Joan and Tommy Pemberton |
Adrienne Acors |
Tyler Collins |
Peter Bryan |
Woody Everett |
Rachel Schnakenberg |
Peggy Roberts |
Jim Koch |
Jill Heyes |
Serving in the Armed Forces
Alexander Long V |
Gordon Devine |
John Wall V |
David Locklerr |
Daniel Vanpike |
Jeffrey Woodard |
The THIRTEENTH Sunday after Pentecost
September 11, 2011
ST. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Port Royal, VA