Building Futures, 2013

The Fisher Family journeyed to Glen Allen near Richmond on April 28, 2013 for Building Futures sponsored by Hope for Humanity. 

Building Futures is a  demonstration of life in South Sudan and a fundraiser for their school. Here is some background to the day  as well as the  Hope for Humanity site  with two videos. The Fishers went to Building Futures in 2012 also 

Hope for Humanity’s mission since its founding in 2004 is to provide education for youth in South Sudan which had been a victim of the civil wars in that country. Now only 20% of South Sudanese can read: the second highest illiteracy rate in the world. Today, the youth are looking to education as the tool to move themselves from poverty to self sufficiency. 

In 2007, Hope for Humanity completed the construction of a secondary school in the village of Atiaba, South Sudan: only the 22nd high school to serve the over 1.5 million children. Through the generosity of numerous donors, they are in the process of building a dorm to so that all 75 girls (out of 200 total students) can live at the school.  In the past girls have endured dangers walking to the school on a daily basis so this is the next step to provide housing at the school.  In 2013 they were also fundraising to build a new well for the school.

Becky spoke about the event in church on Pentecost, May 19, 2013:

The Fishers provided these pictures of that Sunday Afternoon:

Zeke needed help to carry the gallon of water on his head.

Here we gathered thatch in order to make the roof of a tukul.

Chris and Zeke then helped tie the thatch to the frame that would become the roof by the end of the event.

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