Booth Tour in Port Royal, April 25, 2015 (full size gallery)
The three day Booth tour that was organized for Caroline County April 24-26 came to Port Royal on Sat, April 25. The weather was not good – rain developed by midday and the crowds were not large and divided between the museum and the village area. Jim Heimbach led about 10 on a tour at 11am.
Laura Long and two reenactors portrayed the Booth arrival in Port Royal on April 24, 1865 at the Brockenbrough-Peyton home.
After that they came to St. Peter’s. Hourly tour guides were available to add to Jim’s tour. Jim stressed the big dates in our history – fire, lightning attack and the recent creation of the belfry. Inside it was the organ, tablets and stained glass wnidows. The stress was on St. Peter’s as a historical church and one involved in current ministries. The Community Give on May 5 supporting our Village Harvest was promoted.