St. Peter’s bookgroup, an evening book group of interested parishioners, meets in the Parish House at 7pm for study and reflection. In the fall of 2010 they read The Good and Beautiful God by James Bryan Smith. They finished today Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a manual of Christian community during the rise of Hitler in the 1930’s.
During Lent, we studied the life of St Peter, that bumbling, often faithless disciple who went on to become the person through whom God created the community of faith that we know today as church. To guide us through this study, we used a book called Peter: Fisherman and Shepherd of the Church: A Transforming Experience with the Word of God, by Stephen J. Binz. The study concluded April 14, 2011.
Book group in August, 2011 discussed The God Cookie by Geoffrey Wood.
Harriet Klausner wrote the following review about the book “Coffee shop owner John Parrish enjoys debating anything and everything with his best friends, his employees Mason and Duncan. He especially relishes their arguments over faith and Heeding God’s voice. At a Chinese restaurant, Parrish opens up his fortune cookie to a bizarre message: "Take the corner." Whereas his buddies believe this is some cookie cutter nonsense, John believes God is calling him to take a leap of faith. “Parrish’s quest leads him to meet people who react differently to his heavenly need to deliver the letter. His mission enables him to see what others need as if he is wearing their shoes. The interaction between the lead character and the support cast makes for an unusual inspirational tale that fans will enjoy trekking along side Parrish on his journey of the soul.”
During the fall they read St. France De Sales Introduction to the Devout Life beginning in September, 2011. This was completed in Feb., 2012
During Lent 2012, beginning Feb 29 read "Power and Passion: Six Characters in Search of Resurrection". Here is a link to the preview of the book
The group took a break during the summer of 2012. The group will make an assessment whether to continue in the fall of 2012.