Being a Bishop!

So you want to be a Bishop?  Who are you as a Bishop  ? You are the chief priest in the Diocese as well as  a symbol of unity.  As it says in the Diocesan documents "Rites of  Initiation", "The Bishop, is, therefore, the guardian of truth, custodian of the sacraments and symbol of unity."  

There are three episcopal rites which are properly designated as the "Laying on of Hands" – Confirmation, Reception, Reaffirmation. These are for the Bishop only. 

A. Confirmation – You must be baptized first.  Those who were baptized as infants and who for the first time wish as mature adults to commit themselves to Christ and to renew their Baptismal Vows will receive the episcopal laying on of hands for confirmation. The primary intent of confirmation is to provide one the occasion in the presence of the Bishop and the gathered community, to profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and to invoke God’s help through the Holy Spirit to live as a witnessing Christian in the world.

B. Reception. All Christians of other denominations who have been baptized with water and in the name of the  Trinity, who have as adults made a prior affirmation of their baptismal vows and who wish to be received "into the fellowship of this Communion," shall be presented to the Bishop for reception.  

C. Reaffirmation. Baptized persons who have made a mature public affirmation of faith and who later desire for significant reasons to renew their commitment to God before a bishop and in the presence of the congregation, shall be presented for Reaffirmation.

Adults who have been baptized by a priest or deacon at a public celebration of the Sacrament in which a bishop did not preside are expected at some later time, without undue delay, to reaffirm their vows before a bishop and to receive the episcopal laying on of hands.

Read about the other things the Bishop does – 60+ church services, meetings, special church services, etc. Whew!

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