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Treasurer’s, Annual Report, 2016
Clarence Kunstmann
The Cash & Investment Summary shows the accounts for the monetary assets of St. Peters.
Sections I and II identify the locations of the monetary assets.
Section III, the Restricted Funds (designated funds) section, identifies those amounts that
have been donated or set aside from the funds available for the general operation of the
church, the Non-Restricted Funds.
Section IV shows the Operating Fund Total. The sum of this total plus the total of the
Restricted Funds equals the Cash & Investments Grand Total.
Under section ll, Investments, is the Trustees of The Funds Account which has had an
improvement in spite the market’s ups & downs. Monies invested are from the Cemetery Fund,
Endowment Fund for Building & Outreach and Invested Funds.
The chart at the bottom displays the fund balances which are the subaccounts for the
Maintenance, Outreach and Miscellaneous Funds. Also shown is a listing of Charities &
Community Outreach expenditures from sources other than that funded by the budget.
The Operating Income Statement has been placed on the same page with the FY2017 budget in
order to facilitate comparing the FY2017 Budget with the FY2016 budget and expenditures.
Last year the painting of the exterior of the buildings was discussed and a fund similar to the
altar and kitchen funds was established. This was done because while there is a need to
painting our buildings, both inside and outside, it is costly. The recent painting of the buildings
has been paid for. The long term planning committee determined that allocating $8,000 per
year would meet estimated future painting requirements while avoiding a major impact on the
budget when painting is required.
As usual there have been a lot of “hidden” contributions in the form of time and material,
including the little things such as providing food or flowers.
I will be pleased, any time, to answer any questions you may have.