In addition to the distribution itself, in 2016 the women hosted two lunches for the people who
come to the distribution. These lunches gave us a chance to sit down with the people who
come to the distribution for conversation and the opportunity to know one another better. In
December, Eunice Key, with the help of Catherine Hicks and Betty Kunstmann, cooked and
served soup so that those who came for food could also sit down and eat. Eunice created a
station for people to put together Rainbow Bean Soup in a Jar, a mix that they could take home
and give as a gift or that they could use for themselves later. This soup station was made
possible by all who contributed dried beans for the December 2016 distribution.
The ECW, in their effort to consider the needs of all segments of our church family, decided to
offer child care so that our young couples could have an anniversary outing. We also had a
date for an art class/project with Susan Tilt planned but the date was a problem for too many of
our parishioners and therefore had to be canceled. We hope to reschedule the art class and
plan to continue to be a source of support to our church family, our community and the world.
This past fall, Eunice Key designed and sent out a survey to the women of the church. Thanks
to all of you who completed the survey. Your input will be used to plan life together in the ECW
in 2017. Watch the bulletin and the newsletter for updates regarding upcoming ECW activities
for the coming year.