that ensuing report, PREP will also submit its anticipated plan/schedule of academic support
services for CY 2017.
In CY 2017, PREP will continue to seek opportunities to promote its program services and raise
its profile through increased awareness and continued success. PREP’s 2017 goal continues to
be to reach more students, parents and academicians, and thereby, bring together a more
cohesive effort that prioritizes academic excellence, confidence, pride and self-esteem among
all who dare to learn and invest in their future.
Finally through CY 2016, I would like to especially thank and acknowledge the parishioners of
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church for their active participation and continued support, because: “It
[truly] takes a village…”
Thank you: Boyd, Helmut, Susan, Elizabeth, Jim, Uncle Bill, Jeff, Andrea, Chris & April Brown,
Catherine & Ben, our students (Noah Muse and Emily Pickerel) and their families.
I continue to be motivated and inspired by the collective effort of our community and our
church. I will continue to do all that I can to share my passion to teach; a gift from God that he
has graciously allowed me to put forth in furtherance of his love.