Earth Day 2018 – Reducing your plastic consumption

Here are 10 ways to reduce your consumption:

1 Take a reusable coffee cup with you.

2 No to plastic straws.

3 Cut down on plastic carrier bags – bring your own canvas bag! You can buy reusable mesh bags that replace the plastic bags you use for bulk produce at the grocery store

4 Use dishes, glasses, and metal silverware instead of their plastic counterparts.

5 Choose cardboard and paper over plastic.

6 Say no to single-use plastic bottles! Stop buying bottled water. Carry a reusable bottle to limit the number of throwaway bottles, a major source of pollution.

7 Select products that are designed for multiple uses and making sure nothing gets thrown away before its usefulness is spent

8 Take a little extra time while doing your shopping and select products without plastic packaging.

9 When you go clothes shopping, avoid fabrics with plastic microfibers such as nylon and polyester

10. Consider trying washable reusable cloth diapers instead of disposable ones

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